June 24, 2009

High Lows

An interesting aspect of the weather of the past few weeks, has been the minimum temperatures. Most days have had minima above normal, while the maximum temperatures have gone above and below with relatively equal frequency (see first graphic). The drought is continuing even with the sprinkles of the last day-with June, a relatively dry month average, running about 1 inch below normal (see graphic, red observed, blue normal).
A weak cold front is moving through (see satellite image), followed by increased onshore flow. In this image the front is on the coast. Notice the extensive mountain wave clouds prior to the front, as well as the lee rain/cloud shadowing NE of the Olympics. And the extensive low clouds over the Pacific. The bottom line: cloudy and cooler weather beckons for tomorrow. Conditions improve on Friday and Saturday, with the return of sun and normal temps in the low 70s.

On another topic, someone has set up a twitter account in my name--without my permission. I would like this site to be removed--it was attracting some unfortunate spam yesterday.


  1. Cliff,

    Not sure if you already did this, but you can report the twitter problem to twitter to get them to remove the account that is not you:


  2. Speaking of drought, what is your opinion, if any, of the U.S. Drought Monitor site?


  3. Thats pretty bad, Cliff, that someone would put up a twitter page using your name. Don`t know why someone would do something like that.

  4. That's unfortunate about the Twitter account. It must mean you've REALLY arrived. Meanwhile, this site is enjoyable. I keep urging other Seattleites to check it out (especially since all of my friends hail from the Midwest, East, and SoCal).

  5. Prof. Mass, although its not Twitter, I do maintain the Facebook page about you. Email me there if you want ownership...

  6. For some of us, conditions will deteriorate on Friday and Saturday.

  7. It's summer, the chance of sunshine and warmer temps is supposed to be this way.

  8. Michael,
    Send me an email and we can talk about the Facebook site...cliff

  9. Oh my gosh, how can anyone not like nice weather! Wow. For MOST of us, the weather will improve Fri and Sat with more nicer weather. :)

  10. Andy, what I meant was that for most of us who enjoy weather and go into the field because we do so, the weather will deteriorate today and tomorrow... sorry for not clarifying. :) I understand there are some people in the public who feel differently, and that's fine.

    Also, I LOVE nice weather. But many of us have a different opinion of what is "nice" weather than you. :)

  11. Cliff, i encourage you to avoid facebook and twitter at all costs. they suck the life out of all who use them.

  12. Ya know, weather can be such a HOT topic depending on what your weather subject is. And so saying the weather will go down hill today and tomorrow is one of those deals. The weather will be good, better and fine for today and tomorrow.:)

  13. The weather will also be nearly nonexistent today and tomorrow. :)

  14. Nonexistent? No, no storms rolling today and tomorrow. Which means rest of this afternoon will be good and tomorrow should be better.

  15. Andy, can you please not treat your subjective opinions like they are objective facts? Just say that in your opinion, it will be to your liking. Please stop correcting my opinions. Did you read Cliff's message from a couple days ago?

  16. If we can all just stop correcting each other and avoid reactionary comments we can focus on the dynamics of weather.

    "Weather is a set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time." This would include rain, wind, solar warming, convection, etc. All.

    If someone says the weather is good or bad, it is a valid opinion. Period. Please, no more baiting or arguments. I may have to give up reading the comments. I am mostly here to see what Cliff has to say and to read his answers to people's questions about how and why the weather is manifesting in a certain way.

  17. Returned a few days ago from Utah where there were damaging winds, rain and large, quarter-sized hail around the Salt Lake area. Driving on I-15 was like driving inside a dishwasher! The radio station I had on in the car kept sending out civil defense weather warnings..kind of scary but kind of cool, too!


Please make sure your comments are civil. Name calling and personal attacks are not appropriate.

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