July 08, 2009

My Weather DVD

You have the book...now you can get the Northwest weather DVD! I am a strong supporter of Public TV and when they asked me to tape an introduction to Northwest Weather as a pledge gift, I was happy to do it. This hour-long presentation is a general introduction to Northwest weather and includes many of the graphics from the book. This was not easy for me...they even had me put on make-up. KCTS is asking for a donation of $50 to send it to you. Anyway, the funds go to a good cause, and if you are interested just click on the picture to the right or go to



  1. Can't I just watch it on youtube?

  2. whoops the direct link to the salient post correct link

  3. hello Cliff ..

    Had you thought about perhaps generating a few snipets from the DVD, for posting accessible online ?


  4. How can Steve Pool get away last night on the news with saying that there is less than a 10% chance of any rain at all in the next 45 days? According to Cliff's graph, there are only a handful of days with less than a 10% chance on that day alone. It appears that there has only been one year (1951) since 1894 when absolutely no rain fell in the next 45 days (July 10-August 23). If my calculations are correct, that would give us a 99.1% chance (114/115 years, based on climatology) of any measurable rain in the next 45 days.

    Someone better tell Steve to get his facts straight.

  5. Cliff and blog fans,

    I have two question/comments to share today, a shorter one about the DVD and a very long one about its sister book and a PI article (yesterday) concerning evolution of El Ninyo, based on work by Cliff's colleague Battista and oceanographer Sachs. I'll cover the DVD base here and then post a second Comment about the El Ninyo stuff next.

    My questions about the DVD have to do with connections with what many of us have already watched on KCTS9
    (I carefully watch every time Cliff is on, and listen to KUOW, where Cliff is discussing El Ninyo with Bernard Willette right now -- weather report soon...)
    (1) Has Channel 9 already offered us either a preview or a full viewing of this DVD, so those of us who saw it can know exactly why we might want a copy; or
    (2)if not, how close does it come to the kinds of KCTS Conversations between Cliff and Enrique (Cerna) that we have watched, and look forward to sharing more of?

    In any case, this DVD looks like a great excuse to offer more support to KCTS9 and PBS. Thanks, Cliff!

  6. Now, the evolution of El Ninyo in the PI and the book, particularly Chapter 12. First, a sample of the PI article, with web links:


    "UW study: Pacific's rainiest zone slowly creeping north
    Ripple effects could affect our weather"

    Bob Moore
    The rainiest segment of the Pacific tropics is creeping oh-so-slowly north.
    That's going to mean something to the weather in the Pacific Northwest.
    But what exactly?
    A University of Washington project might have an answer to that question in a year or so.
    The scientists -- led by University of Washington associate professor of oceanography Julian Sachs -- collected and analyzed what is essentially several-hundred-year-old muck from four Pacific islands to get a grasp on rainfall figures just north of the equator from 1400 to 1850.
    Their results were published in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience
    [Link to Abstract:] http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v2/n7/abs/ngeo554.html
    The idea is to use that information to get a handle on what Pacific Ocean El NiƱo weather patterns were like in those times, said David Battisti, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Washington, who helped analyze the raw information.

    The study ended up theorizing that the Pacific's belt of rainiest weather from 1400 to 1850 could have been 300 miles south of where it is today.
    This northern migration of the rainiest belt -- which accompanies the warmest surface water -- will affect how weather and climate change, Battisti said.
    The scientists are now tackling predicting what these changes might be, with Battisti speculating they might have some answers in a year or so."

    First, the Abstract seems to say that the El Ninyo area migrated South, which seems to contradict what's said here about the rainiest zone, maybe?

    Second, I've gone back and skimmed all references to El Ninyo in the book, particularly Chapter 12, and can't find anything directly related to this article or abstract. Am I missing something?

    Third, I see no direct references to either Battista or Sachs in the book's Index or Ch 12 references.
    Again, am I missing something?

    I want to earn better than a B (3.0) on this topic... How do I do that?


Please make sure your comments are civil. Name calling and personal attacks are not appropriate.

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