February 12, 2010

The Northwest Weather Workshop

On March 5th and 6th there is the Northwest Weather Workshop, the annual gathering for local folks interested in Northwest weather. There is always a wide range of interesting weather talks and roughly 70% are quite accessible to laymen. Everyone from local TV weather and university types, to NWS forecasters, private sector meteorologists, and weather enthusiasts. The meeting takes place in north Seattle at the NOAA Sand Point facility.

The meeting is open to everyone, but you should register if you are going. There is also a Friday night banquet, with the speaker this year talking about weather and wine growing. Generally, the meeting starts at 1 PM Friday and goes to about 4 PM on Saturday. The agenda does change a bit in time (generally add a few talks). In fact, if there is anyone interested in giving a talk on agriculture/gardening and weather, send me an email.

For more information about the meeting and registering, check the official website:



  1. How cool! Thanks for letting us know. Love your blog.

  2. On This Day, February 12, In 1989, Unseasonably Mild Weather Prevailed Across Alaska. Morning Lows Of 29 Degrees At Anchorage And 31 Degrees At Fairbanks Were Actually Warmer Than Those In Northern Florida.

  3. Just bought some sunflower seeds. I suspect in an El Nino year the last frost is earlier than usual, but can we make a probalistic bet on how much earlier? When are you planting out this year? Thank you!

  4. I live in Vancouver BC and left for a few days for Mississippi State U.(bulldog land). It was snowing today. First flakes I saw this season. It snows here every few years and rarely sticks. Anyway for coastal BC the current GFS seems to say it will be clear or partly cloudy from Wednesday through at least the middle of the following week; further, storms predicted over California in the period mean we are safer. I am returning for my venues!


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