June 03, 2011

Weather Video Podcast Online for June 3

Check out my video podcast for June 3:


KUOW Information:
If you are interesting in supporting a petition to reinstate my weather segment here is the petition site:
Facebook web site:


  1. I have really been enjoying your blog and I hope you continue to blog the fascinating weather stuff that you do. But i hope it doesn't turn into all video.. Just saying..

    thanks for all the great stuff you are teaching us almost daily about our weather.

  2. Glad to have you continuing your forecasts. Would love to see more podcasts especially with more educational content.

  3. Cliff, why not embed the video?

  4. A little basic, but otherwise, lovely! Thanks so much for bringing us some nice weather. FINALLY. ;-)

  5. I'll be the first to step up and say 'Yea!' LOVE The podcast.. So much better than you know who.. asking somewhat incoherent questions.. One thing though.. What about the Math?!...Kidding!! ;)
    Thanks Cliff!
    Looks like Great sailing weather.. Like those tight isobars over the sound.... GG

  6. I love the web cast, Cliff, and not just because we're in for good weather! Very informative. Thanks for all you do!

  7. I am really enjoying the video posts! I find that it makes more sense to me being able to listen while watching the animations.

    My only suggestion would be to imbed them in your posts. It would be more convenient for readers not to have to click through (and you might be losing people who don't want to click through).

    Thanks for sharing your expertise with us! You are a precious resource to those of us in the PNW, even if KUOW is completely oblivious to that fact.

  8. Great! Much better than the audio only KUOW broadcast. The video makes a world of difference and we can access the url's ourselves to do our own updates as the weekend progresses.

  9. One of the most informative weather forecasts I have ever heard/seen. Thank you Cliff.

    I just hope people appreciate all your hard work - it seems many don't understand just how much they are demanding from you. Perhaps they should ask themselves much volunteer work they do.

    Many thanks for all you are doing, including the fight for better math and getting us more of the truth.

  10. Great format! I never did remember to tune in to the radio anyway, so this is perfect! Thanks!

  11. Being a visual biased person, I like this even more than your KUOW broadcasts. And I can always watch it again with my kids when they come home from school.

  12. I like the video forecasts. Keep up the good work!

  13. Love this! Maybe basic for some, but very good for me! Much more educational than listening on the radio and now I can begin to really understand what I am looking at!

    Thank you for your time and energy--it is very appreciated.

  14. Thanks Cliff. I really like having both the video and your regular blog posts. Great stuff!


  15. Outstanding Cliff! We're looking forward to the warmup here in Sequim.....finally! Keep the video blogs coming even if you go back to PBS.

  16. Nicely done, Cliff! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I really enjoy having the reasons behind the forecast.

  17. Well done Cliff! Don't look back!

  18. Hi Cliff, I like the podcast/video a lot. It's very informative. I like that you can point to the maps and explain what is happening as you scroll through them. It makes my understanding better and I will be able to look at the products on the UW and NOAA sites and interpret them myself better now.

  19. Cliff, having your forecast with the visuals is outstanding! As someone else said, having you talk us through the weather maps and satellite photos really helps us understand them better.

    Maybe the KUOW kerfuffle has been a blessing in disguise. BTW - you have a great "radio voice".

    Keep doing these - maybe for unusual weather events, too.

  20. Whatever happens with KUOW, I hope you continue with the Podcasts. I love them...

  21. the podcast is excellent, please keep posting them.


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