December 31, 2012

It's Snowing!

Light snow has been observed at Bellingham, Shelton, Olympia, Chehalis, Vancouver (WA), and Portland.   The most snow apparent on regional cams is around Vancouver, WA:

The culprit: a weak disturbance moving southward down the coast and relatively cool air over the interior.

The latest radar shows the precipitation pattern.  On the coast, the precipitation is rain, and the interior stuff is quite light.  Seattle should stay dry, as should eastern Washington.  We do not have super cold air over us, but evaporative cooling is allowing the snow level to drop to the surface in some locations.

 Here is forecast surface chart for 10 AM this morning.  You can see the low (solid lines are pressure) off the southern WA coast, and the temperatures (at around 2500 ft, shown by shading) indicated the cold air over eastern Washington and cool air over the western WA lowlands.

 This is NOT going to be big snow event.  Here is the model forecast from this morning, showing the 24-h total snowfall prediction over the region.  Not more than about 1-2 inches in the most favored zones.  Nothing over the Seattle Metro area (sorry, Jim Forman).  Portland gets some white stuff.

But one piece of good news...after this low moves south of us, expect a lot of sun on Tuesday.   New Year's will start on a bright excellent omen for the new year.


  1. Still wishing for a big snow storm. Hopefully in January :)

  2. Aaawwwweeee....Josh....The GFS has changed its mind on the "big freeze" this month :( Darn it! Maybe if enough of us wish for it then it will actually happen? One can only hope!

  3. We got it and it was fun! It snowed most of the day- sometimes heavy, sometimes barely, but it was so pretty to watch!
    I'm ready for more.
    Vancouver, WA

  4. Omen? OMEN! So the omen science is settled....bbwwwaaaaaaahahahahahaha.

    Happy New Year, Professor!

  5. On the hilltop just south of Chehalis. It started snowing about 9am Monday, and the temp dropped from 34 to 33 and there it stayed. Maybe 2 inches fell total, and hardly a snow flake has melted. We stayed home, and watched birds. Big flock of Evening Grosebeaks on the big window feeders. All snow still here Tuesday AM


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