June 11, 2018

Was there an unannounced missile launch on Whidbey Island early on Sunday morning?

Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather on the northern Kitsap Peninsula has one of the most impressive weather cam facilities in the nation, including high quality digital cameras photographing the clouds at night.  He is an extremely reliable weather observer.

But early Sunday morning he picked up something that is both startling and unexpected:  what looks like a missile launch from Whidbey Island.

Here is the picture (with a 20-second exposure) at 3:56 AM Sunday morning from one of his cameras (looking north towards Whidbey Island).  Can you see the bright vertical streak on the left side of the figure?   Note the illumination both inside and outside the cloud.  It really looks like the ascent of a rocket.

Greg provided me with a close up of the top portion of the image (see below).   Really looks like an ascending missile.

For your orientation, the map below shows the location of the Skunk Bay camera (red circle) and Whidbey Island Naval Air Station (blue circle)

I have never heard of rocket launches from Whidbey Island Air station in Oak Harbor.   And checking online, I can not find any discussion of this feature.

This feature does not look like a meteor, nor are there any meteor reports for the area that I could find online.  The lightning networks did not show a strike in that area.

Scott Sistek at KOMO TV says that they contacted the Navy about it yesterday.   The Whidbey NAS spokesperson says they don’t have missile launch facilities there; Navy west coast spokesman said no ships in area.

Was there a missile launch on Sunday AM?   Is there some other explanation of this feature?

I would be interested if someone had some insights into this sighting.


  1. Perhaps its purpose was to intimidate North Korea? Or more likely Canada?

    1. It's a vapor trail from a large passenger jet. Flight from Alaska To Portland or Sacramento. I work on the base and see this every other day.

    2. It's a Passenger Jet with Vapor trail at High Altitude. the trail is lit up by the morning sunrise.

    3. Sure looks like a missle to me

    4. Large passenger with vertical lift is a newby to me

    5. If it were a plane, therewould be two distinct contrails of vapor trails visible in the photograph of it. Being a high altitude plane and all, there would be more than one engine...

      How is it working for the government?

    6. Deep state missile launch. Taken out by the light. F16 clas 5 package can take out missle. Q

    7. This is not a passenger jets exhaust getting lit up from the morning sun. They said they cam took a 20 second exposure shot. Smoke would have smeared. Furthermore the object at the top is not a plane.

    8. It isn't smoke, it is vapor. Go look at a contrail and tell me how much it spreads out in 20 seconds. Not much. The object is a plane. The wings were not captured because of the long exposure.

    9. This is really interesting, the same two pictures are on a website stating on July 27th 2018 Air Force One was targeted with a missile and an F-16 shot it out of the air, media covered it I'm still checking in with a few other channels

    10. "It's a Passenger Jet with Vapor trail at High Altitude. the trail is lit up by the morning sunrise." might be the worst explanation on this site.

  2. Wouldn't thousands of people hear something like that? One standout feature of missile launches is noise.

    1. First photo looks like sprite or upward lightning strike recently discovered but 2nd photo c'mon that things huge I think this Trump Kim thing overshadows opportunities for public to turn blind eye they constantly do it

  3. How could a camera take a sharp picture of a moving missile with a twenty second exposure? It, for that matter, get a sharp picture at night with a skirt exposure? I'm somewhat skeptical at this point.

    1. Yes. It doesn't look like a rocket launch. I have taken stills and videos of hundreds of rocket launches and can't imagine how a long exposure of one would look like that. It appears to me to be an aircraft reflecting the rising sun (which you can see beginning to light up the sky on the horizon).

    2. My roosters go crazy at about 4 am. It's starting to get light.

  4. PNSN seismic station SVOH in Oak Harbor might show something. Background noise levels tend to be lower at night so one might resolve an increase in background noise, but no direct arrivals.

  5. I can't think of another thing it could be but a rocket launch. What else is phallic shaped with flame coming out its rear? If it wasn't a governmental launch (ours or THEM), then perhaps we have a rocket enthusiast who did an unsanctioned private launch and the reason the government denies knowledge is because their radars did go crazy and they are investigating. Otherwise who knows? God? Space Aliens? Was it the Rapture? Watch out if men in black show up demanding you take it down.

    1. "What else is phallic shaped with flame coming out of its rear?" I can only imagine the responses you'll get.

  6. Very strange. Navy should comment, but maybe they won't.
    If they do, will they try to explain it as a weather balloon launch? Question for Cliff...
    Living on Whidbey, I'd be a bit concerned about the potential for missile debris falling.

  7. I was in Oak Harbor getting ready to head home Sunday morning. It was Just before 3am. I saw a flash thinking it was a single lightning strike, but there were so few clouds and no noise associated with it beforeor after.. The main base was behind me. I was facing south so it didnt come from there.

  8. My money is on Alaska Flight 94, the trajectory with relation to the camera made it appear vertical. It was descending through the cloud deck.

    Here's a screen grab of it's flight path and position near the camera. https://i.imgur.com/fMrZ6bW.png

    Play with the flight playback here: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/ASA94/history/20180610/0750Z/PANC/KSEA

    1. Living near there on Whidbey, planes have their lights on like that too. I'm onboard.

    2. I think this theory is a strong contender… What do you think lights up the clouds in the center left at the beginning of the street? A contrail at high-altitude over a long exposure could account for it… But I’ve never done it myself so it’s hard to s I think this theory is a strong contender… What do you think lights up the clouds in the center left at the beginning of the street? A contrail at high-altitude over a long exposure could account for it… But I’ve never photographed it or seen it myself so it’s hard to say... interesting mystery. I’d be tempted to set up the camera again the next few nights to see if you can capture the same flight overhead with similar attributes...

      Tim D

  9. Maybe a model rocket launch? Depends on how far away from the camera the launch actually was.

    1. That sounds more plausible to me.

    2. Reall good quality pic for the distance involved. From camera to indicated pic area is between 40 and 60 miles. Great lens for a fast moving target for 20 seconds or a photoshop?

  10. Maybe out of a submarine. No rumble or noise felt here.

  11. 20 second exposure?... that’s a slow rocket.... to have only traveled that distance in 20 seconds... and the clouds aren’t smeared all aver the frame from that long of an exposure...?

  12. There are a limited number of Navy missiles that look like that. I'm seriously spitballing here, but from the pic, it looks like one of the Navy's family of 'Standard' (SM-1 thru 6) missiles.

    I recall that there was a Live Fire exercise in the Strait a few days ago (according to a Notice to Mariners closure), but that was quite a bit west of where the camera was looking.

    I don't see any reason why the military would be coy about a launch. A misfire? We do have several ships based in nearby Everett that can shoot the SM missiles (destroyers USS Shoup, Momsen, Kidd, Gridley, Sampson, and Ralph Johnson).

    1. Navy does all of their missile firing in the Missile test ranges off the coast of California or Hawaii. They could NOT do one in contiguous waters surrounded by land and civilians.

  13. This is what Alaska Flight 94 looks like from Skunk Bay at 4am, approximately from the vantage point of the camera. In a long exposure, it would have looked like a missile going up when in fact it was really just heading straight toward/over the camera.


    1. Great theory! What do you think accounts for the clouds been illuminated at the center left portion where the light streak begins? I suppose a 20 exposure could cause that effect? I hope he sets up a camera tonight and tries to catch the flight again :-)

    2. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  14. This looks vert much like a THAAD launch. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile missile shot from a mobile launcher. Message to Kim. See video and see what you think - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z0l0NsMduQ

  15. "How could a camera take a sharp picture of a moving missile with a twenty second exposure? It, for that matter, get a sharp picture at night with a skirt exposure? I'm somewhat skeptical at this point."

    I do not know what camera and lens was being used for the picture in question, but many higher end digital SLR cameras would not require a 20 second exposure to take a good quality low light photo; a camera with a high ISO and combined with a wide aperture 1.2 to 2.0 lens should produce a picture of that quality - with post processing of a RAW file the picture quality could be further enhanced.

    1. The photographer claims its a 20 second exposure from a weather camera.

  16. Simple Illuminated jet vapor trail. Chemtrail!! It’s at high altitude catching the morning sun before it reaches the low level clouds. It’s brighter than it would normally be because of the long exposure needed to balance to grey in the camera or the bicture would be under exposed.

  17. could it be the contrail of a jet flying overhead illuminated by the sunrise?

  18. I agree with Jimmy Brokaw, 20 second exposure would not allow for the picture with the zoomed in missile. This is, in my humble opinion photo shopped or taken from some other location.

  19. Alaska Flight 94 flew right over (the flight path literally crosses) Skunk Bay between 3:58 and 4:01am on June 10, the time of the timestamp of the exposure. A flight heading straight toward a camera with its landing lights on (as it would, descending toward Sea-tac) would leave a streak that could be interpreted as vertical, when in fact its really horizontal with relation to the camera. The cloud deck was illuminated by its lights as it emerged from them giving the impression of a plume.

    Which is it: a rogue, unannounced missile launch from Whidbey with no NOTAM/TFRs, that took place at the same time Alaska Flight 94 was right over the area? Or is it Flight 94 itself captured on the camera?

    You can see the track and times for yourself here: https://flightaware.com/live/flight/ASA94/history/20180610/0750Z/PANC/KSEA/tracklog

    And you can click the Google Earth link near the top and import the KML file into Google Earth and see the trajectory yourself and see the course relative to the area.

    I am 95% certain this is ASA94, and about 5% margin of error toward ASA108 which arrived about 15 minutes later. (I don't know how accurate his timestamps are on his photos, I presume they're pretty accurate knowing Greg).

    1. Great sleuth thing and what I think is the winning theory. What do you think accounts for the clouds getting illuminated in the left center where the light streak begins? I suppose the 20 sec exposure of a contrail could illuminate some higher clouds…? I’ve never done it nor seen it photographed before so hard to say… Interesting Mystery. I would be tempted to set up a camera for the next few nights to see if I could re-create the same flight pattern and photo results.

    2. Great theory! What do you think accounts for the clouds getting illuminated underneath the beginning of the contrail at the center left portion of the photo?

  20. A couple of comments.
    Yes it is a 20 second exposure, but if it was moving fast, it may only have been in field of view of the cam for a few seconds. My cam picks up meteors that would be going WAY faster and they are crystal clear images.

    I know may cameras very well. I have been doing this a long time. I see planes every night. I can easily recognize their signature.... This is NOT a plane.

    Others have accused this image of being photoshopped.... Trust me... My photo editing skills would not allow me to manipulate this image like that.... :)

  21. I just looked at the flight path of Alaska flight 94. It's too far West of this image. That is definitely not it....

  22. I'm not saying it's aliens...but it's aliens. On another front, the Holy Grail of true climate change solutions may be at hand -


    They've developed a way to build a truly low - cost, industrial scale method of pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and converting the hydrocarbons into liquid fuel. The real test now is to see if the MSM bothers to even report on this potentially game - changing technology, and if the enviros will embrace this wholeheartedly.

  23. Most likely a jet's contrail illuminated by the sun. Lower clouds are not yet illuminated because the sun was too low in the sky.


  24. Upon further review of ASA94, it's not that flight that was captured though it was over the area at the time. It was too far west of the field of view of the camera. Close but no cigar.

  25. This is ~75 mins before local sunrise if the timestamp correct. A quick Google states sunrise is earlier ~1min per 1.5km in altitude. If planes are ~10km, the timing seems a bit off.

  26. It's a horizontal airplane coming out of the cloud bank with langing lights on. The long exposure makes it into a streak.

    The streak that looks like a rocket body is a nose gear light.

  27. If this indeed was a 20 second exposure there is no way there should have been a clear rocket shaped image at the top as shown. Should have been a blur. Has to be a fake.

  28. And if we want to go full tin hat, a Russian rocket body flew directly through local zenith 5 minutes after 'launch' 515km up: https://heavens-above.com/passdetails.aspx?lat=48.3344&lng=-122.6745&loc=Oak+Harbor%2c+WA+98277%2c+USA&alt=14&tz=PST&satid=15369&mjd=58279.4596437682

  29. This is - 90% sure - a Trident Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile, launched from one of the subs stationed at Bangor. It was not launched from Whidbey Island and it's not surprising that NAS Oak Harbor knows nothing about it. (If you have doubts about it being a Trident, look at the Wikipedia article on that missile.

    Something similar (a surprise, sea-launched missile) appeared several years ago off the coast of California (near Vandenberg Air Force Base). I believe it was during Pres. Obama's visit to China. What a coincidence that the same thing happened the day before Pres. Trump meets "Rocket Man."

    1. Are you saying there is a record of such a launch from Bangor, corresponding to this time?

  30. "It appears to me to be an aircraft reflecting the rising sun (which you can see beginning to light up the sky on the horizon)."

    Sun rises in the East. That lit up portion of the sky is coming from a northwesterly direction if this cam is oriented north.

  31. Definitely NOT a missile, but it is a cool optical illusion.

    1) The thing that looks like a missile would not appear that way in a 20 second exposure.
    2) The light streak is in FRONT of the low elevation cumulus cloud at the top of the image. Therefore, it is moving toward the camera and possibly descending. So probably an aircraft.

  32. I was camping with my family at Deception Pass at the time and we heard nothing, so my guess is it was further away (e.g., Bangor) or an airplane. I'm pretty sure a trident launched from Whidbey would have awoken us and all the other campers.

  33. Everyone is assuming the object is in the frame for 20 seconds but likely it was only there for the last 5-6 seconds of the exposure. And Yes, you would be able to make out the shape of the missile since it would be captured as the shutter closes.
    I capture planes in long exposures all of the time and they ALWAYS show regular bright points as the beacon strobes flash. None of that here. Sunday morning had low clouds in the area and the clouds are clearly illuminated by this object as it passes through them.
    I live in North Kitsap and photograph at Point No Point all of the time. That angle definitely indicates the Whidbey NAS. That said, this looks exactly like a missile launch. Not likely anyone will claim responsibility.

    1. If the "missile" was in the frame for only a few seconds, it would not have been exposed enough to show up at all. It is almost certainly an airplane.

  34. Punditt: I covered that story, and refuted it. It was a UPS cargo flight's contrail.

  35. Here's a pretty good solution. The author is pretty sure it's a helicopter. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/21461/lets-talk-about-that-mysterious-rocket-launch-over-whidbey-island-photo-from-washington

    1. Sure, looks exactly like a helicopter....that is not a plane and not a helicopter. I live in Florida and have seen many launches. That is a launch.

  36. Just because its a 20 sec exposure mean nothing it could have been taken in just a few seconds of that time frame. oh and if its an aircraft were are the wings?

  37. It's 20 Statute miles from the camera to the Navy airfield. The light trail appears much closer in the foreground clouds; say, about 5 miles. I've been everywhere on the Navy base. There are no rocket launch facilities. The FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center would HAVE to been notified of a launch and then put out a notice to all aircraft in the area. This web site has a plausible and well reasoned explanation: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/21461/lets-talk-about-that-mysterious-rocket-launch-over-whidbey-island-photo-from-washington

  38. Contact the FAA in Renton and ask if there was a missile launch at that time. Or ask for history of any TFRs (Temporary Flight Restrictions) or Notices to Airman (NOTAM) regarding the launch. Amateur rocket builders will file normally file with the FAA to put into place a TFR and/or have a NOTAM issued for a launch.

    Furthermore, if either of those were put into place it will have the requesting agencies contact information.

  39. I think we have a some people having some fun with users and trying to drum up publicity for the website, the three cameras at this site take 20 sec exposures and catch meteors/fireballs all the time and this is just another great example, the site also catches planes that make streaks across the sky but not as bright, also ships on the water will also create these streaks of light.

    The site also makes time laps video available and after looking at the same time period there is no rocket launch of any kind during this time period.

    The particular angle of this one tricks the users eye making one think it's going straight up instead of coming towards the camera, in this case North to South. Oh and the rocket shape is just the meteor changing to a lower brightness at the very end of the exposure, very doubtful you would even see that part with the naked eye. Great shot!

  40. Check out this great analysis, http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/21461/lets-talk-about-that-mysterious-rocket-launch-over-whidbey-island-photo-from-washington

    TLDR: air ambulance helicopter belonging to Air Methods, tail number N952AL, flying away from the camera, so you are seeing tail position (white) light, and blurred white underside at the start.

  41. Tyler Rogoway, an experienced photographer, has a post on this at The War Zone today (6-11-18). His research leads to a simpler explanation: it is an Airlift Northwest helicopter.

  42. The missile shape is just the end of a long streak most of which is hidden by the brightee streak below it. The color of the bright streak and the way it starts up in mid-air lead me to think it's just the rising sun reflecting off from an invading alien warship.

  43. Take a look at this explanation: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/21461/lets-talk-about-that-mysterious-rocket-launch-over-whidbey-island-photo-from-washington

    Which doesn't help anyone with conspiracy theories. Or those that want to blame it on any politician. Or North Korea. Or, whatever....

  44. I have no idea what this was, but it most definitely isn't a missile launch. A 20-second exposure would absolutely not have a clear picture of a rocket in it. Furthermore the perspective size of the "rocket" would indicate that it must have been enormous in size if it was someplace over Whidbey Island. As you are well aware, the angle subtended by that feature in the shot is large enough to mean the item would be something like 1km in size if it was over northern Whidbey Island.

    This deserves more investigation, but please hold off on the conspiracy theories.

  45. The Navy didn't say anything about Subs...

  46. In the Navy's response, they didn't mention anything about Subs. Sure looks like a missile to me...if it wasn't a land based test, it was a sea based one... Nothing like reminding the powers that be, that we are here. Besides, training is important and these things do have a shelf life.

  47. Silly rabbits.. don't you know about the secret space program.. hahahah

    I laugh at all of you.
    That is a Directed Energy Weapon DEW...
    UFO cigar shaped toy that the military industrial complex has their little hands on.

    That is laser toys.. stupid humans. Are you gonna wake up or debate oh well oh well.
    Your rockefeller and the gang have control of the weather NEXXRAD, but this is not a weather thing.. it is a laser thing.
    Don't you know about holograms?
    Sarah conner .. over and out...

    Fire in the sky... REV 13:13.. the masonic order gang.

  48. It is a sprite... sometimes inaccurately called upper-atmospheric lightning. Sprites are large-scale electrical discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds.

  49. There is no conspiracy here.. your military has gone behind your back and has technology called DEW
    Directed Energy Weapons.

    SHHHH... don't tell anyone.

    That is a laser beam probably with a hologram. Oh yeah.. they be special, your masonic order.
    Oh well, don't listen to me after all I am only human.
    I got the report.
    Pull up a chair and watch the fire in the sky.....

  50. Could it be this? "Made public thanks to Chinese hackers, the weapon is supposedly a new offensive missile": https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/amp21248858/navy-sea-dragon-chinese-hackers/

  51. Remember, the sun doesn't come up until after 5:00. So it couldn't be a sun-illuminated contrail.

  52. If you've been anywhere near (as in 30 miles) to a large rocket launch, as I have been several times in FL and CA, you'd know that everybody on Whidbey Island and beyond would have been shaken out of their beds at 4am by the noise.

    The folks on Whidbey are very tuned into the noise of jets and the like to start with, and 4am would have gotten everyone's attention. Growlers don't fly then, and in any case, a missile would be way, WAY louder than a Growler.

    Except there was no noise reported by anyone.

    That alone takes missile off the list.

    Which leaves UFO's using technology that looks like Earth tech but is really beyond the known laws of physics (ha, ha, ha)... or optical illusion. Still, it's a very cool optical illusion.

    1. who says it was launched on land? definitely looks like a missile that was launched via sub out at sea, nobody around to hear that.

  53. if it is a ground launch missile, I could have come from a submarine and thus the location of the launch could have been flexible.

    if it was a plane and contrail, the question would be how high would it have to be at that point in the morning to get reflection from the sun, and then whether a plane at that altitude was in an accepted flight path over the area.

    if it was a rocket it could be much farther away than we think.

  54. Cliff,
    I agree now that this cannot be a missile launch as there were no reports of noise on Whidbey Island. As far as what it is.... I have no idea... I am parking it in my mind as a mystery... We all love good intrigue.... :)

    1. again, launched miles away at sea, not on land. its a missile buddy.

  55. It wouldn't have to be very bright to leave that trail on a 20 second exposure in the dark. I would think the lights on a passenger jet would be sufficient. Now it does look like the light is primarily coming from the back of the 'plane', so maybe it's not the headlights but the running lights (if that's what you call them on a plane, I don't actually know). I think the only weird thing about this image is how hard it is for us to imagine how dark it actually was during the photograph- the human mind is surprisingly bad at some things. The lights could have been flashing and we'd never know in that exposure.

  56. Q posted this photo today on 8 chan with the message
    "This is not a game.
    Certain events were not suppose to take place.

    you can go to the page and see for yourself: https://qanon.pub the "d" on "supposed" was left off-- this is a clue to something else. perhaps the missing D has a context with a missile or weapon?

    also, could this be Rods of God? thoughts, anyone?

    1. so many shills on this comment section suddenly claiming its plane contrails which is laughable. definitely appears to be a photo of a missile launch (I've seen a few to know). likely from a sub at sea, probably designed to sabotage the summit with NK. reminds me of when gary power's u2 suspiciously crashed during the big meeting between Eisenhower and Kruschev. Except this could have been a lot worse. Trump's twitter post misspelled "missile" and "stopped",perhaps he was again hinting to those in the know that a missile was launched by bad actors and then intercepted by the good guys. but yeah, definitely a missile and Q knows what's up.

    2. Why would the Navy launch a missile in the Puget Sound surrounded by populated areas? This isn’t “out to sea”, it’s still inland. If it was a launch, it would be way off the coast, in the ocean, with an active NOTAM, and down by California - if it was a Pacific test.

      Also, Trump mispelled missile because he’s an idiot. Not to send secret signals to an anonymous turd that has basic Navy information and capitalizes on the inability for people to refute classified information.

  57. Question is.....Where’s it headed?

  58. Missile launch from a sub, deep state starting a war. Target most likely HI and we took it out. False Flag with Trump making deals with NK.

  59. Absolutely a missile launch from a sub. Deep State starting a war? Target HI, while Trump is meeting with NK? I would put money on it.

  60. Additional data from WNAS on any aircraft activity on that time and date, not just assuming that the image is of a missile. Also helpful would be a more precise compass direction of the center of the image for track direction regression to the North behind the cloud bank.

    The light streak has a faint appearance of being two beam-tracks during the exposure, similar to landing lights on an airplane, any fuselage image being hidden by the glare until lights were switched off. An aircraft departing WNAS, southbound could possibly have left this track, landing lights switched off at the top of the frame just prior to the end of the exposure where a fuselage could leave that missile shaped image, color scheme on the aircraft could explain the lack of wing rendition. Aren't mysteries fun ?

  61. Another look at Map and the apparent track from Skunk Bay appears to be a straight-in approach to Seattle if the flight is in fact southbound......

  62. The missile launched at Whidbey Island was not from the Base, it was an Unauthorized launch from a Trident Submarine transiting the canal perhaps affected by an external hack. This has the Navy very concerned, that is why they are trying to attribute it to being a medical helicopter. Helicopters are lifted by whirling blades not by rocket fuel. Missiles should never be launched without proper protocol, this one was and they would never be launched from Puget Sound. They would be out to sea to launch and would be in deep water to be protected from retaliation. This launch was not planned.

  63. I agree that it was a missile/rocket launched, just a lot further away than originally thought. It couldn't possibly be a plane.

  64. What a beautiful illusion with tremendous conspiracy speculation. This has all the ingredients for a national story. Unfortunately it's fairly obvious from the sun's reflection on the surrounding clouds that it is an illuminated contrail. But still, to most people just looking at it it seems damning.

  65. Definitely an aircraft and contrail. Remember, the photo was taken at a 20 second exposure, so sunlight hitting it as it travels will show very prominently in the image. Sunrise at 30,000 to 40,000 feet is quite a bit earlier than at the surface, as evidenced by the sunlight on the clouds.

    1. Cool story except the plane was at 15k feet and descending at the time of the photo. Contrails form at 24k feet and higher.

  66. https://www.defensenews.com/cyber/2018/06/08/chinese-hackers-steal-sensitive-navy-program-data/

    Chinese hackers steal sensitive Navy program data

    WASHINGTON — Cyberattacks sponsored by the Chinese government infiltrated a U.S. Navy contractor’s computers, allowing digital thieves to access sensitive data related to secret Navy projects on a submarine anti-ship missile.

    The information stolen was stored on the contractor’s unclassified network despite being “highly sensitive nature,” according to information obtained by the Washington Post.

    According to the report, 614 gigabytes of material on a closely held project known as Sea Dragon were taken. Contracted for the military organization Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Sea Dragon aims to develop a supersonic anti-ship missile for use on U.S. submarines.

  67. Qanon has talked about and shown your Cam photo today. He says a submarine was hacked and the missile launched. If you don't know who Q is - It appears to be Trumps Military Intelligence sending coded messages to the people of the fight against the deep state going on behind the scenes.

  68. The photo off your webcam has been picked up by Military Intelligence and they discuss it here...


    Rogue operators of the deep state have hacked a submarine and launched the missile by all accounts.

  69. It's obviously an aircraft contrail. Rocket trails don't glow with the color of sunset/sunrise. The jet's wing's are invisible because of their small profile exposure to the sun and they angle away from the viewpoint.
    The jet is at a high enough altitude for it's contrail to glow in the sunrise while the surface is still in shadow. It's not flying vertically, just more or less straight towards (overflying) the camera.

  70. Jeremy Stevenson has it right, bringing the reality of the deep state's desperate clandestine war to hold on to power to a weather blog. See https://qanon.pub/ and look for posts 1474 and 1477. Clicking on the bright blue numbers will take you to the page on 8chan where the original post was and scrolling down you will perhaps find relevant discussion. The game is most definitely on.

  71. But why does the trail it left behind illuminate the clouds it passed through? At that brightness it could be the forward facing lights used at night for landing, (which isn't apparent on the object itself) or it could be that something has gone very wrong and a missile was launched erroneously. Whether by hostile actors or incompetence, that would be a huge problem for all military staff within 3 degrees of this situation.

  72. So Cliff..... you still think American democracy is in the hands of a sober rational and well informed electorate?

  73. its a very large cylindricle object looks like a rocket to me its really the only explanation as u can see the fire thrusting underneath it maybe it was launched as a bargining chip with north korea to scare them into submission trump could have said right now theres a rocket in the atmosphere that could be directed at you if u dont sign the denuclearization treaty a plane doesnt go strait up and a plane wouldnt look like that we have jets fly over all the time on sunset and sunrise the dont look anything like this what so ever

  74. Mystery "solved."


  75. I was remiss in not also acknowledging Mike Smith (above) who also got it right and independent of Q, it would seem. Congratulations to SkunkBayWeather: you've caught the eye of military intelligence!

  76. The video was taken by a Canon DSLR NIGHT CAM. That means Infrared. That means things like rocket trails will show and will look just like the photo. The local time was 3:56am in the morning. The sun is never up at 3:56am in the morning in the Seattle area. That is not sunshine reflecting off the clouds. The video was taken at night with a Night Cam.

    The sky is cloudy with a slight wind. Wind makes contrails spread and no longer be in a straight line. The trail in the photo is consistent in width the whole distance of the trail. There is no drift of the trail from the wind that a contrail would have. The object at the top of the trail does not have wings. Airplanes have wings.

    It was not an airplane.
    It was a missile. The real question would be: How did it get launched? Where did it end up?

  77. Jeremy Stevenson is spot on. I don't know if anyone here follows the Qanon "Storm" (also known as the Great Awakening), but #Q posted the image and commented on the rocket launch on the qresearch board on 8ch on Jun 12 2018 16:37:55 (EST). His comment was:

    This is not a game.
    Certain events were not suppose to take place.

    The next post hints that the bad guys are trying to disrupt the talks with Kim:

    Event talk being attacked.
    Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters….
    You have more than you know.
    Some areas we cannot expand on.
    Critical thinking.

    He then posted a picture of a sub sitting on the surface in a bay. No markings that I can see, but the "hacked launch system" theory is pretty high on my list.

  78. Airlift NW Eurocopter N952AL flew over Skunk Bay at 3875 feet elevation at precisely that time. Its lights would of had the exact effect as indicated by the 20 second time exposure of that time taken by the meteorologist on the North shore of Skunk bay (looking North)! Playback from Flight Radar 24 10:50 AM UTC (3:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time) https://www.flightradar24.com/2018-06-10/10:57/12x/47.52,-122.58/8

  79. I think you have to look at this within the framework that it is a 20 second exposure. First, since you cannot see anything below a certain altitude, you have to conclude that the event from where it is first seen to the end lasted the entire 20 seconds. You have to determine if this is a reasonable distance in altitude for a rocket to make in 20 seconds from end to end. Since it is well into the cloud layer at the beginning, it has to be already going very fast. This looks to me to be what a rocket could travel in just a few seconds. Second, the “rocket” launch looks more like what a snapshot would look like – bright near the “rocket” less bright as you go down the smoke plume. However, from a 20 second exposure, it should be equally bright all the way up. To me it looks more like the speed of a plane.

  80. Sunrise at the surface was was at 5:12 AM PDT on Sunday

    Sunrise at 40,000 feet would have been about 15 minutes earlier, or 4:57 AM PDT.

    4:57 PDT is 3:57 PST.

    We do not know if Greg's camera is adjusted for Daylight Savings.

  81. Look at the lower left corner of the picture. The area between the low cloud layer and the sea is brightly lit. That area is way out to the sea, so the light cannot be coming from any shore installations. As far as I can see, only a missile's takeoff can explain this illumination.

    Could it be that the Navy was testing their anti-missile capabilities just in case the Trump - Kim negotiations do not go as well as hoped?

  82. It sure looks like a rocket. It looks just like all the stuff I've been seeing from the Cape over the last 50 years. On the other hand, I've never seen a long exposure of anything that was not stationary that looked so clear. A rocket just wouldn't have looked like that on a long exposure. It's either a fast shot of a rocket, or a long exposure of something a lot slower. Airliner seems likely, but there are no pulses from beacons. I searched "time exposure of aircraft at night" and found images of light streaks that were vertical or nearly so. But the streaks look like lines, not plumes of flame (unless they're on afterburner or are firing missiles), and any time a shape is captured at the end of the streak it looks like an airplane, not a missile. Examples:


    Still don't think it's a rocket, but still waiting for a better explanation of what it is.

  83. I love the QAnon story! Almost as fun as the anthropogenic global warming scam.


  84. When I look at the closeup, I see only righthand 2/3 of the vapor trail lit up. That says to me it's lit by reflected light from the sky, not glowing on its own, and the right side is the east that would be lit by the dawn's glow.

    Are the time stamps accurate? Are they PDT or PST?

  85. Could it be a rocket caught in landing mode?

  86. I think there is something that "they" aren't telling us. I could be wrong but it sure looks like a rocket. A rocket in a 20 sec exposure might produce an blurry image like a rocket on the leading side the instant the shutter closes.

  87. Just one example of a long exposure rocket launch a friend took: https://rdbl.co/2sTa03h

  88. I feel sorry for Cliff...having to wade through all of this speculative cr*p. If I were Cliff, I'd shut this one down as it being a time suck for him. Question though; how close is this to the highest number of comments on this blog?

  89. photoforensics


    click on the other headings like 'error level.'

    No shenanigans, to my eye.

    I too ask, where was it going?

  90. Thomas Wictor says it's a helicopter: https://twitter.com/ThomasWictor/status/1006995691036598273

  91. Per Thomas Wictor on Twitter: "It's a helicopter. That's a time exposure of 20 seconds, which gives you the appearance of a flame trail. By the way, no missile has a flame trail that long."

  92. @TwoColorMind
    Where's the navigation lights though? No red or green streaks with the one thick streak of light. And why does the bloom of light match the intensity of spacex long exposure pictures found on google? You can compare as many long exposure rocket shots and planes as you'd like, this one only matches something as bright as rocket fuel could burn. No idea who/why though.

  93. From Gerry Leese (greenbankgus@gmail.com) Gott'a give me some credit Cliff! I even posted the link showing the helicopters flight! I may of missed it a bit on the search light beam, but how was I to know about it being on? I did suspect such but did not mention it! Here is what I posted (look carefully at the helicopter flight, it goes right over Skunk Bay at precisely the right time (posted as Universal Time Code/Greenwich Meridian Time);
    Blogger Unknown said...
    Airlift NW Eurocopter N952AL flew over Skunk Bay at 3875 feet elevation at precisely that time. Its lights would of had the exact effect as indicated by the 20 second time exposure of that time taken by the meteorologist on the North shore of Skunk bay (looking North)! Playback from Flight Radar 24 10:50 AM UTC (3:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time)

    June 13, 2018 at 3:46 AM Delete

  94. I always encourage everyone to determine for themselves what they see, rather than rely on what they are being told they're seeing.

    For the people saying "No missile has a trail that long", simply google "submarine missile trail night".

    For the people saying "Helicopter on a 20 second exposure", does that really seem like what it looks like? What do photos look like with a 20 second exposure? Have you played with a camera and set it's exposure setting to 20 seconds? Why not try? What sort of results do you get? Do those results seem similar, or different, to this image?

    Look for truth in stories yourself. There are thousands of people trying to deceive you. Make up your own mind about things.

  95. Look right here for the eye exam... What you saw was just swamp gas... AkA sometimes it takes a precision strike of conventional explosives with in view of a mad tyrant to force him to get his mind right...

  96. I'm WAY more fascinated by the comments than by the event itself. It's the photo equivalent of a Rorschach blot :-)

  97. Qanon - Missing Letters, Rogue Missles? What is coming?

    According to her, it came from a US submarine (hacked by China) (https://www.defensenews.com/cyber/2018/06/08/chinese-hackers-steal-sensitive-navy-program-data/) targeting Air Force One on its way to North Korea. Apparently the "Deep State" was trying to frame China trying to take out the POTUS.

  98. From Gerry Leese; Come on people! Look at the flight path of the Airlift NW helicopter (N952AL) as it flies over Skunk Bay at precisely the time the camera shot the time exposure! It is that little aircraft in the Flight Radar 24 archive for that moment that looks like a little bug/gnat; https://www.flightradar24.com/2018-06-10/10:57/12x/47.52,-122.58/8
    And if you are lost as to where Skunk Bay is and where the Skunk Bay meteorologist shot the 20 second time exposure from, here is a map (image was shot looking due North as helicopter flew over at 3875 feet); https://www.google.com/maps/@47.9254324,-122.579891,15.38z?hl=en

  99. Way to needlessly stoke the fears of conspiracy mongers, who of course have just run with it being a missile without any skepticism or critical thinking.

    The streak is obviously in front of (below) the clouds at the "top" of it's motion, absolutely ruling out it being a missile ... but conspiracy mongers are always blind to such obvious contradictions.

    And seriously ... the US has a massive arsenal of every kind of missile, and is home to the private company that is currently dominating the satellite rocket launch market. How narrow can your vision be to think that launching any missile would send any meaningful message to north korea? Especially now that Kim is Trump's best friend (after Putin).

  100. Considering a 20 second exposure I can conclude it is the reflection of the sun on the verticle stabilizer being captured by the camera over 20 seconds causing the streak.

  101. "Why would the Navy launch a missile in the Puget Sound surrounded by populated areas?"
    They wouldn't, of course. Expand your thinking.

    "Also, Trump mispelled missile because he’s an idiot."
    He didn't; he isn't. But you misspelled misspelled. Instant karma. Again: expand your thinking


  102. IMHO, a 20 second exposure of a missle could produce this image. The 19.75 seconds of motion blur of the bright rocket plume would outshine the blurred image of the rocket. The rocket itself would appear at the top of the plume, completely blurred, because thats where it was when the shutter closed, and the bright plume didnt obscure the rocket.

    Plausible. Not proved.

  103. New Q posts on July 27 confirm unauthorized missile launch. Incoming missile threat was activated in Hawaii (again), Air Force One was rerouted, F-16s with specialized weapons package intercepted it, absolutely zero coverage from MSM.


    Posts 1728-32.

  104. This was a DeepState assassination attempt on the POTUS. Look at AF1 location at the time. It was diverted and missle was engaged and destroyed using class5 secret weapons by fighter jets taxing with AF1. WWG1WGA!

  105. Confirmed. Misssile launched by deep-state/unauthorized operative Illegally engaged weapons package to tango with AF1’s location where the affirmative Assasination attempt was physically engaged on the President of the United States. F-16’s delivered the successful diversion of said package away from our POTUS. May justice be swift. May justice be served to the fullest extent the law will allow.
    God Bless our President Trump, God Bless our troops, and May God Bless these United States Of America 🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA! ~Y~

  106. Ballistic missiles, or any missile shot from a sub, cannot shoot down airplanes.

    I follow Q. He never said this missile was aimed at AF1.

    I do concur that this is a missile. If it was shot down by F16's... well, they would have had to have been in the air, with the specialized equipment required to shoot down a missile. Not a normal F16 operation.
    More plausible is that the missile was self-destructed once the launch was discovered.

    Given CoC process to launch what does this tell you?
    CLAS removal WASH minutes after.

  107. Why does everyone assume the 20 sec exposure just happened to be timed with the start of the missile launch? As if that's more likely than it being the obvious missile launch it is, and timed to threaten AF1. The last second or so caught the missile. So many good examples here of conclusions drawn from thoughtless opinions, all in the cause of not disturbing their deep state comas.

  108. F16s are always in the air defending AF1 and F16s brought it down. POTUS was on Af1 at the time and had to change course. CofC was violated and violator removed within minutes. Dots connected, checksum OK.

    Unauthorized missile fired.
    Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii.
    POTUS AF1.
    POTUS re-routes.
    F-16s intercept.
    Specialized weapons package.
    Given CoC process to launch what does this tell you?
    CLAS removal WASH minutes after.

  109. June 10, 2018 - Michael Avenatti (Stormy Daniels lawyer) tweets a photo of a jet plane being targeted.

    June 10, 2018 - John Brennan (Obama's CIA) tweets a threat to POTUS "Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration. The America you once new will return"

    June 10, 2018 - A unauthorized rocket is seen in the air above Skunk Bay. A photo of the launch exits from Skunk Bay webcam. Q hinted the rocket targeted Air Force 1 but was intercepted (Our planes have missile interceptors). Potus was not on AF1 they knew it was coming and he was on another plane as diversion on his trip to meet Kim Jung Ill on the 11th.

    This is not a game. This is not a larp!

  110. So would someone like to explain this post 16 hours after the date time stamp from Skunk Bay on Michael Avenatti's twitter account? Avenatti has a career working for the Hollywood crowd mostly the really big names and also political work with the likes of Biden, Clintons, Rahm Emanuel and the DNC as well as working on actual elections of Democratic candidates. I don't think this is a coincidence.


  111. UGM-133 Trident II (D5LE) has a max range of 10km which could hit NK or SK or Singapore.. these three being the likely locations for a FF attack to trigger ww3.

    The Ohio class subs which launch these are stationed at bangor base.

  112. 10km range?? That's all of 6.2 miles!

  113. Q Anon confirms this missle was launched from Whidbye Island.

  114. All right here’s a deal I live in Port Townsend I live by the water on a cliff a dark ass street no lights at 4o’clock in the morning I was awake because I woke up to the thing rumbling and basically shook me out of my sleep I was working on my house not living in it living in a trailer next to it so I could feel the damn thing I looked up it was overcast To see the trail from behind and be on the rocket and slowly witnessed it start to arch slightly so I looked on my watch and it’s 4:02 AM as a helicopter I’m guessing Apache or something like that that was desert storm or desert camo brown color tan maybe 150 feet over my head directly over my head the thing flies anyway so you’re trying to doubt that shit act like it’s a fucking reflection? It’s probably a reflection of my foot in your ass


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