December 02, 2008

November Statistics

November ended up a very warm month...roughly 4F warmer than normal. Although we had above normal precipitation...this is very deceiving, since much of it occurred over two days. Many of our Nov days had highs near record values and many were above normal (see graph). In fact, lately our minimum temperatures were greater than the normal maxima! The cause? Persistent ridging or high pressure over the eastern Pacific/west coast.
Today most of the region is cloudy (see the visible satellite photo)...and there are some light showers on the windward (western) sides of local mountains. Want sun--head to the eastern slopes of the Cascades.
The high pressure builds AGAIN tomorrow and Thursday--with no precipitation and some sun. Friday will be mostly dry as well..until a warm front approaches late that afternoon and evening...rain should be after dinnertime.
The weekend looks cloudy and wet right now...but we have been so fortunate the past month, no one can complain. Snowpack is very low and there will be no additions in the Cascades at least until this weekend.

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