March 27, 2009

Snow Returns

The mountains will be getting plenty of snow..but there is a chance the lowlands--particularly above 500 ft--could see some snow mixing in tomorrow AM. The latest WRF-GFS run in fact has light amounts over portions of the lowlands (see graphic for 3-h snow ending 11 AM), while the MM5-NAM keeps the lowlands snowfree. The biggest threat should be over the Kitsap and lower hood canal areas as a developing low center moves towards us from the south (see graphic). Temperature will warm during the rain will dominate in any case. And it should be quie a wet day over the western portion of Washington. The below normal temps continue.


  1. Cliff,

    The MM5NAM shows upwards of 2-3 inches on the NW peninsula from Forks to the North Coast by 11am tomorrow morning. I know they are not really considered the lowlands that everyone is familiar with but to see that kind of snow in late March on the north coast would still be impressive.

  2. My list of uncompleted outdoor chores gets longer by the day. So, Sunday looks like the better day to get outside for a while?

  3. I would say that most of the snow looks not only to be the Hood Canal area, but also the central sound area as well. And I would say a general inch or less looks like a possibility with maybe some folks getting maybe a couple inches at the most.

  4. So no snow 500ft nd below?

  5. So no snow 500ft nd below?

  6. Well if looking at the 12zEURO, it does show bit of a ridge for us next weekend as well as the 00z GEM. However, the GFS shows a large deep trough for us by around same time frame.So any model output can be played at this rate with this being little over a week away.

  7. I heard it was snowing in Centralia. I'm in Kennewick and it's raining and 45°

  8. Per my blog, I heard it`s snowing down in Olympia area, so I checked a webcam or two down there, and it`s snowing out on Oysterbay road with light covering snow on the sides of the road and on the trees. I`ts snow again up at Tiger Mountain.

  9. It's been snowing in Eatonville since about 4:00 pm. We have about 3 inches on the ground and the roads are covered. 32.3 degrees with a dew point of 33....where did all this come from? I thought it was supposed to be a wet mix....maybe an accumulation of an inch.....????


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