November 24, 2010

Snow Update looks like more snow..but only for a few is the latest WRF high resolution results for the 24-h snowfall ending 4 PM tomorrow. Snow over central Puget Sound (maybe an inch) and several inches over portions of NW Washington. The NWS concurs on this. Hopefully won't mess up this forecast! The mountains, particularly the north Cascades, will get lots of snow too. The lowland snow is mainly from roughly 6 AM through 10-11 AM and then it turns to rain. Could have transitional periods of sleet and freezing rain. If the latter, be really careful if you have to drive. The roads in Seattle are really much better now (I saw TWO SDOT trucks in short drive today, hitting the roads with lots of salt!)

Freezing rain occurs when rain falls into a subfreezing air level and cools below freezing. YES, you CAN have liquid water when temps get to freezing and below. It is called supercooled water. Clouds have lots of it! When freezing rain hits a cold surface it freezes on contact. By noon it all should be over....


  1. Light snow falling @ 9:00 pm here on the Key Peninsula.County sanders on the main roads, too.

  2. It's 26F in Redmond Ridge right now at 11:20PM, when it was 13-14F at mid-day! It looks like a thaw is just around the bend.

  3. Whats funny though is you really couldn't ask for a worse initial storm prior to a near record cold snap to produce snow before rain.

    You need a strong jet and surface lows pounding the northern CA and OR coasts to get good snowfalls here in WA when cold air is present, not lows up in AK.

    I live the theory of suffering the cold for more snow, but not this time!

  4. The temp has been hovering around 31 degrees and snowing for a bit now here in Eatonville. About an inch of new snow on the ground. I'm sure it will turn to rain soon...we always seem to be the first to warm up!

  5. Am I the only one who thinks that the image looks a little like Elvis?


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