November 21, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

The National Weather Service's new forecast for the Puget Sound central area for tomorrow is now snow at times with accumulations of 1-3 inches. The weather channel is going for a few snow showers.

The high resolution models that I am looking at suggest virtually no snow from Seattle northward.

Everyone agrees on the cold air and strong northerly winds!

You think it is cold now? MUCH colder air is coming.

The models worked out pretty well today...not perfect...but highly useful. Lets see what tonight's forecasts suggests.... The disturbance is now entering an area with more data, so that should help.


  1. It snowed from about 1 to 2:30 in Battle Ground, WA (just north of Portland, OR)

    Wondering about tomorrow's commute.

  2. Has been snowing constantly in Federal Way since 1:30. Sticking to roof tops, trees, and grass. I'm against xmas music before Xgiving, but I just broke it out!

    Whatever falls now will be with us for a few days, yes?

  3. 3 inches at 300 ft. in Port Angeles.

  4. We received about 2 inches of heavy wet snow east of North Bend in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie valley. Was snowing lightly pretty well all day, but it certainly wasn't that cold here.

  5. We had about 2 inches of wet, sticky snow here east Of North Bend in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie valley. It snowed lightly pretty way all day. Certainly wasn't cold though. Not even a breeze. It was actually quite beautiful.

  6. "Microflakes" drifted down early afternoon for a couple hours on the Hill. So far your prognostic of a paucity of freezeable moisture is holding up.

    I'm not seeing MUCH colder in the forecast from on high, just a few degrees. (Hey I'm a Minnesota transplant, this is balmy spring.)

  7. zero inches (of snow) in north metro seattle; exactly as herr-doktor Mass foresaw

  8. Still snowing and 30 deg. at 6:15pm here in SE Auburn, (Lakeland Hills) with exactly 1" of N.W. Fluff! Started about 1pm and picked up through the afternoon. Radar shows the band breaking up so expect the snow to diminish shortly. Either way, will make for a great after dinner snow walk. Looking forward to hearing your commentary on the 00z model runs. With any luck, we'll see a more widespread event, with more cold air to follow tomorrow night. Geez, I feel like a kid at Christmas!

  9. It started snowing here in Eatonville around 8:00 am...although it was just a tiny flake here and there. At about 10:00 am it really started coming down. We have about 3 inches as of this time and it is still snowing....not huge flakes but a lot of them. Hoping it keeps up all night...would love to wake up to a foot of snow!

  10. seattle proper, nada, biked all day. cold as heck, but i got over it :)

  11. Snowed pretty consistently here in Tacoma from about 1 to 5 pm.

    When you say "South of Seattle," does that mean Tacoma? Or closer to Oregon?

  12. yikes I saw some of the single digit numbers on the UW Probability forecast

    I don't remember a Thanksgiving like this...ever. Power outages yes, snow???!?

    I was over at Kruckeberg Gardens in Richmond Beach and it was snowing beautiful fat flakes. Here at home in Redmond, barely anything. I was a bit surprised at the amount of snow so near the Sound.

    Crazy weather.

  13. Suquamish has been perfectly in the rain shadow all day. Microflakes & frozen mist 9AM-2PM, no accumulation.

  14. Light snow today in N. Seattle / Shoreline. Did not stick except in the thuja branches.

    I'm still going to ride my motorcycle tomorrow because I have to pick up a turkey at a butcher on Capitol Hill.

  15. radar at 8:13 seems to suggest moderate precipitation over seattle right now but there's nothing coming down. Whats up with that?

  16. Bone dry cold and non-stop north wind up hear north of Bellingham. That single digit forecast has me worried, since we have livestock. Guess we can make room for the hens inside :)

  17. Robby said: "radar at 8:13 seems to suggest moderate precipitation over seattle right now but there's nothing coming down. Whats up with that?"

    KATX radar is in clear air mode (the gain is turned up and the scanner rotates at half the rate) so the color coding of the images is not the same as you expect when it's in "standard/wet" mode.

    The maximum return over Seattle is around +16dBz ... drizzle.


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