June 30, 2012

Sky Poet

Photography can be as poetic and compelling as the work of the written masters, and we are lucky to have such a visual poet here in the Northwest--one who specializes in the most dramatic type of local clouds:  lenticular or mountain wave clouds. 

Her name is Darlisa Black and on occasion I have shown her work on this blog and in my book.

Just a sample to show you what I mean.  First, some beautiful lenticular clouds:

She has a way with light and shadow that I really appreciate, as well as the occasional watery reflection of dramatic cloud features.   Lenticular clouds are particularly good photographic subjects, with both subtle, beautiful, and other-wordly features.

If you want to see more of her work, check out her web site:


or her facebook page:



  1. So, Cliff, how does it look for summer? It looks like we got another substandard June... Do you think summer will be on schedule, say a week from now? With the jet stream doing that dreaded loop to our southwest, I worry... Are we going to see a rerun of 1993? I want to do some hiking and sailing!


  2. Thank you for the wonderful compliment, Cliff! I love this and will post it on all my sites too! Sky Poet, I like that... very lovely!

    also I am working on a new website that will replace the old one gradually as I learn how to do shopping carts and all...


  3. Nice post Cliff, Starlisa's work is very impressive.

    I have lived in Edgewood for about 7 years and every time the mtn. and atmosphere get together, they do make magic!

  4. would you do a post about the deracho winds that his the NE?

  5. I just love Darlisas sky poetry.... absolutely wonderful!

  6. Two people from Seattle were walking along the Seattle waterfront, huddled under their usual rain jackets and umbrellas.

    One asked the other "Have you heard of this new popular book called "50 Shades of Grey"?"

    The other asked "Isn't that the new book on Seattle Weather by UW Atmospheric Scientist and Weather Expert Cliff Mass?"

  7. Lenticular clouds are frequenty statified or laminated, indicating there's no turbulent miixing between what must be air streams of different densities. What causes the stratification? I wish clouds could be labelled with arrows showing the dynamics!

    Thanks, Cliff

  8. Tell us about the lightning last night, Monday July 9th, 2012,maybe 2 or 3 am which lit up the whole sky in a big sheet. I had no immediate thunder, but mild rumbling maybe a minute or more later.


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