August 19, 2022

A Good Weekend Ahead But More Heat in Our Future. Plus, a Primer on Northwest Humidity

After a week of warmth and humidity, temporary relief is least west of the Cascade crest.

My podcast starts with a very pleasant forecast for the next four days over the western lowlands, but with a note about increased heat mid-week (see forecast temperatures for Seattle below).

East of the Cascades, temperatures will hover around 100F (see forecast for Tri-Cities below)

In my second segment, I talk about humidity in the Northwest.  Why was it so sticky last week?  What controls our humidity? All is revealed in the podcast.

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  1. Off Topic: Why are there very few summer thunderstorms out on the Olympic Peninsula. I remember some really good ones in the mid-90s, but very few since then. Why few thunderstorms? Willing to do a blog on that?

  2. Big thunderstorm with considerable rain yesterday in Mazama! But as we drove west over Rainy Pass, the sky was clear and all was dry. The monsoon, I guess.


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