December 11, 2023

Destructive Ignorant Students Undermine the University of Washington

In past blogs, I have described the disturbing situation on the University of Washington campus, with loud demonstrations calling for the eradication of Israel, the killing of Jews through Intifada, and support for the October 7 Hamas barbaric acts of rape, beheadings, and murder.

But it has gotten worse, much worse.

On Thursday, students stormed the University's administration building and physically took over the office of University of Washington president, Ana Mari Cauce.  

Several dozen student Hamas supporters took over Ana Mari Cauce's office on Thursday.  Note the Palestinian flag they hung outside a window.

A few days before this, the same students defaced many locations around campus with antisemitic and anti-Israel messages, including Nazi swastikas (see below).

Strangely, most of the local major media did not cover any of it.

Their "demands" included ending all UW programs with Israel, terminating joint UW efforts with Boeing, UW divesting from Israel, and ending the "repression" of pro-Palestinian students by the UW.
Thursday night shows how extreme the situation has become.

The UW Jewish community had long held a menorah-lighting ceremony on Red Square, the center of the University of Washington campus.   This is an important community event and President Cauce helped light the menorah one year.

But radical anti-Israel students wanted to undermine the event.  So they scheduled their takeover of the UW Administration Building on the first night of Chanukah, with amplified sound and demonstrations in Red Square.  The Chanukah celebration had to be moved several hundred feet away to the Arts and Sciences quad.

I was there and it was surreal.

In front of me, there was a joyous celebration of the events of 164 BC, when Jews were attacked by violent outsiders but were able to fight their way back to Jerusalem to light the holy flames at the Temple (see below).  Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

And in the background, one could hear the Hamas supporters calling Israelis colonialists and recent invaders.  Calls for Intifada and destruction of Israel.  It is strange to suggest that people who have been in Israel for 3000 years are "colonialists."  

The students supporting Hamas would not leave President Cauce's office after being asked several times.  Finally, the Seattle police moved in and physically hauled them outside. As this happened, the activists called the police several vile names I will not repeat here.  Surprisingly, the students were not all arrested.

While all this was going on, an individual was shot in the face two blocks away.

This situation has been getting worse and worse during the past few weeks, as Hamas supporters have marched around campus with amplified sound, sometimes into buildings, being highly disruptive to instruction and research.  I had to leave my office more than once to work.

Jewish students, staff, and faculty are scared and tense, something I have confirmed talking to several of them.  

This situation should never have gotten out of hand like this. 

Unfortunately, it reflects the same kind of academic tolerance of extremism and antisemitism that has been noted on other campuses, including MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania.

For example, an official UW student organization (UW-SUPER) organized the violent takeover of Ana Mari's office and organized disruptive rallies (see below).  

UW-SUPER organized the takeover of President Ana Mari's office

And UW-Super celebrated the barbaric Hamas murders (see below, note the paraglider bringing in the murders, rapists, and child killers)

Their student organizational status should have been terminated a long time ago, but the UW administration has not acted. 

Why is UW-SUPER still a registered UW student organization?

Recently, the UW administration put pressure on the Jewish Studies program to refrain from holding public lectures and events so as not to motivate SUPER and their intolerant allies.  Thus, the victims are being told to keep quiet and keep their heads down.  Dr. Brenda Goldman, Interim Director of the Jewish Studies program, called this out and threatened to quit.

The UW administration should have made it clear to the Hamas supporters that loud, disruptive demonstrations calling for Jewish genocide and the destruction of Israel would not be tolerated.

Student learning is being disrupted.

But the UW administration has done little and Hamas supporters have taken this as a sign they can amplify their hateful messaging, campus disruption, and even take over the central administrative building on campus.  

But is worse than that.  

The UW has a HUGE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) bureaucracy that costs about 20 million a year.  These diversity deans and their minions are constantly reminding UW students, faculty, and staff of the "violence" of using the wrong pronouns and other social justice affronts.  But as far as I can tell, NOT A SINGLE UW DEI staff member has spoken publicly about the direct threats against Jews and Israelis by the Hamas supporters on campus.

Worse than that, some UW DEI staff are publicly (and with UW/State resources) actively supporting the student Hamas activists.  For example, the UW Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion (OSDI) emailed to students the following message, including:

“We firmly support the cause of Palestinians and their fight for freedom from the unlawful and oppressive settler colonial apartheid state. 

The pro-Hamas students are violating the UW Code of Conduct, with their behavior clearly being discriminatory harassment.

Here is some of the actual language: 

Discriminatory harassment.

Discriminatory harassment includes verbal, physical, electronic, or other conduct based on an individual's race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship,...

The law states that harassment is occurring when "such conduct creates a hostile environment, which is created when the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with an individual's academic or work performance, ability to participate in or benefit from the university's programs..."

The UW administration is clearly failing UW students, staff, and faculty.  

The pro-Hamas students have been so emboldened by the University's lack of enforcement of basic civility that they are now attacking university administrative facilities.

I hate to imagine what they will do next.  It is time for President Ana Mari Cauce and her administration to act based on morality, law, and basic human decency.


  1. This is unreal, and as a father who will be sending students to the UW soon, possibly I will be calling them, or any other college my children potentially attend out and asking questions on what they plan to do to curb this activity.
    On top of everything you said, its a clear and plain lesson on the lack of teaching of History. Jewish people have lived in the region for thousands of year and the fact that 1.6 million Arabs and Muslins live in Israel doesnt get across to students and youth today. Additionally, many Jews have been expelled massacred from Middle Eastern Countries, had to flee to Israel for their lives. This idea that Israel is a white colonist country is so far removed from reality that I dont even know how to bring it up with many people that are clearly angry at something completely so completely and utterly false.

  2. How dare you push such a dishonest representation of the students as "pro-Hamas." Your rhetoric is dangerous and shows that you care nothing about the truth. You have every right to disagree with the protests, but maybe you should spend more time reflecting on why so many people (including a large number of Jewish folks) are protesting this war.

    1. very misinformed. Have you been at the pro-Hamas rallies? I have. It is easy to prove they are pro-Hamas rallies. The first proffo occurred right after the Hamas massacre and the Super Facebook advertisement FEATURED a Hamas killer flying a powered glider. It was distributed before Israel invaded. These gatherings never showed any remorse or even mention of the massive killings, rapes and baby killings. They were celebrations of murder. Never did the rallies note how Hamas' action have led to many Palestinian deaths. These rallies call for the destruction of Israel, a Hamas goal. Even the Palestinian Authority rejects this viewpoint. I could provide more evidence, but these a Hamas rallies pure and simple. Most Americans support Israel. Clearly, you don't. And to claim that a large number of Jews support the Hamas murderers is total fiction. Shame on you for pushing such a narrative.

    2. They protest because they lack simple knowledge of what is actually going on.

    3. Hey Kirk, maybe you should move to Gaza if you are so sympathetic to Hamas and the Palestinians. The irony is, you would likely be killed immediately when you arrived. It is laughable that you would question Cliff on this. These students have been chanting "from the river to the sea", and writing it in graffiti on campus property. Unless you've fallen and hit your head, you would be well aware that statement is a call for the genocide of Jews. It's reprehensible and disgusting that anyone would even think such a thing, much less chant it or write it down. If that's not pro-Hamas, then nothing is.

  3. Ron Hassner, political science – Berkeley paid for a 250 student survey.
    His write-up appeared as "From Which River to Which Sea? Dec. 5th, WSJ

    It reminds me of the Jay Leno on-the-street interviews where he asked simple questions and the folks were clueless. The title of the article relates to the unknown Sea {maybe the Caribbean or the Atlantic} and which river {maybe the Nile or the Euphrates. Lots more.
    It would be Jay Leno funny if it were not so sad.

  4. Andrew Sullivan had a great blog post on how toxic the DEI dogma is to intellectual freedom and tolerance. We need to root out this dogma to return higher education to its enlightenment roots. Cultural Marxism is just as toxic as the ideas behind the KKK. These pro-Hamas protestors wear masks, the Klan wore hoods. It's not a coincidence.

  5. The very high relative humidity of the lower troposphere is further demonstrated by the PurpleAir map previously displayed in this blog. It's or particular note because outdoor temperatures are above average so home heating requirements are less.

  6. If you follow the history of Hamas back to its political roots in the Moslem Brotherhood and further back you find figures like Amin Al-Husseini, who supported the German Nazi party, and participated in the planning of the Holocaust, and who would have extended that atrocity into the Levant if not for the defeat of Rommel at el-Alamein. Hamas has one goal, framed in its “Covenant”: to drive the Jews out of the entire Middle East and kill as many as possible. Many students and youth are being bamboozled into supporting this reactionary organization that uses the Palestinian people as fodder for its political aims. Mr. Mass if you hear of any counter-protests against this anti-semitic idiocy please let us know.

  7. I matriculated at the UW back in the era of the WTO protests; it was my freshman year. While student protests were largely peaceful, it was widely reported that outside actors - basically, anarchists - had infiltrated and turned things more hostile, even violent. I wonder if that's still a thing.

  8. So Cliff, I gather from your rhetoric that you are Pro genocide? Pro open air prison? You are for the murder of gazan and Palestinian children and elderly, due to the fact that Hamas has a stranglehold on the region and it's inhabitants?

    1. Your note in both unfounded and silly. Hamas committed a terrible act of genocide. They promise more. The only way to stop their genocide is to remove them from power. The IDF is not targeting civilians. Hamas is using civilians as human shields...genocide against their own people. How do you not see this? During WWII would you have stopped the allies from attacking Germany because civilians were killed. Was FDR guilty of genocide? You really need to think out what you are saying?

    2. Are you seriously suggesting that the IDF ISN'T targeting civilians?!?! Why do I get the feeling that showing you evidence of this wouldn't sway you from your delusional rhetoric?

    3. @Brandon: Israel controls its own border, not Egypt's. All Egypt needs to do is practice the open-border policy advocated by Western leftists and allow their fellow Muslims to pass through. As an example, if the US stopped allowing Mexicans from entering the US, would that make Mexico an "open air prison"? The Arab-Israeli War displaced/caused to flee ~750,000 so-called Palestinian refugees and ~850,000 Jewish refugees from surrounding Muslim countries (Jews had lived in those countries - eg Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Iraq et al- longer than Islam has existed!). Israel took in all the Jews; the Muslim countries, despite having a land area 500x times greater, took in close to none. Jews get Israel, Muslims get everything else. The problem is that while the Jews take in their fellow people, Muslims did not and will not.

    4. Brandon, There are scores of Muslim countries that could offer refuge to "Palestinians." None of them want them however because they have proven to be a radicalizing force that destabilizes countries. Jordan discovered this the hard way and forced tens of thousands of them out in the 1970's I believe. The Palestinian problem exists because of Arab intransigence.

    5. Brandon... the Israelis are NOT targeting civilians. There is absolutely no evidence for your claims. On the other hand, Hamas targets civilians constantly. They targeted civilians on Oct 7 and slaughtered them in the most barbaric ways. They have sent over ten thousand missiles to against Israel....explicitly targeting civilians...cliff

  9. Brandon, please, do us all a favor and move over to Gaza with your Palestinian brothers. See how well that works for you. I can't even fathom the amount of nerve it takes to attempt to mount an argument such as yours. IDF has repeatedly warned citizens to leave the area since the conflict started. Unfortunately some of those people who either were not able to leave or refused, became collateral damage, as often unfortunately happens in wartime. Hamas on the other hand, rarely aims at a military target, they specifically focus on civilians. Isreal is under rocket fire from them almost every day of the year, almost always aimed at civilians. And what happened on October 7th, in my opinion, gives Israel license to do just about anything they want in Gaza to end the threat. If you don't see it that way, you are clueless, and probably just not a good person.

  10. Ugh, it's awful being lumped in with these intifada antifa types just because we both go around drawing swastikas everywhere. We are not the same, and have no affiliation!

    More seriously, at least this is a perfect demonstration of how DEI rules are strictly Who/Whom. But sadly it came too late to wake up liberal secular Jews who supported it until it gored *their* golden calf.


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