June 01, 2024

New Podcast: The Heavy Rain Event, Heat Wave, and Perhaps Thunderstorms!

 Mother Nature is keeping the meteorological plate full for us.

My new podcast describes the latest on heavy rain events occurring on Sunday through Tuesday.   But we are now close enough in time to see what's next:  a minor heatwave peaking over next weekend, with the potential for thunderstorms from the Cascade crest eastward.

Friday afternoon, the European Center model has thunderstorms over eastern Washington

The simulated radar imagery from 11 PM next Saturday from the UW WRF model shows an area of thunderstorms moving into western Washington. 

You can listen to the podcast below or through your favorite podcast server.

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  1. Great update cliff! We're just north of Arlington and this morning (Monday) the convergence zone is putting down 2" rain rates per hour now. It's been a very very wet past 6 weeks in our area of Northern snohomish county

  2. Another "spot-on" forecast! Here it is, Monday morning in Glacier WA. I just turned-in 1.26" rain report for the 24 hours at 7 am (to CoCoRaHS), and it's currently pouring. Our upper-reach NF Nooksack River gage is showing 2060 cfs (USGS), and I checked the 'basin' webpage, clearly something of a wave of high water is heading down the channel, westward. Hi-ho, nothing like another day of very WET drought. The agencies are either inept or scandalously fear-porning the public, IMHO, regarding conditions this year.


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