January 14, 2009

This picture was sent to me from Scott (don't know his last name), from Snoqualmie Summit Ski area in the pass. Notice the excellent visibility in the dry air. And you won't believe the latest Seattle profiler imagery...the inversion continues to descent (see image), with a base near 400 m (1300 ft). How low will it go?

Air quality is still fine, but how long can it keep up with such a low inversion. If air quality remains ok there is only one explanation, the people of the region are reducing their burning.


  1. I drove from Seattle to Santa Barbara, CA, last night. I stopped at Grants Pass at midnite because the fog was thick, road visibility was bad. The entire Willamette Valley was under the inversion and air quality was bad there. This AM I drove through the Siskiyous and witnessed the effect of the temperature inversion. There was freezing fog at the base of the pass and 24 deg. F. As I ascended, the temp. rose to 47 deg. as I broke out of the fog. The process reversed as I dropped over the hill into the Shasta area.

  2. Following up on my last Comment posted on Cliff's Jan 13 post, concerning his lecture/book signings, here are some corrections and details:
    Details Bob couldn’t see when posting his earlier message:.
    "Upcoming Events
    • 17 January, 1 PM. Book signing at the University Book Store, Seattle
    • 21 January, 7 PM. Lecture ("Northwest Snowstorms") and book signing at 3rd place books Lake Forest Park
    • 5 February, 7 PM. Lecture and book signing. WA Ski Touring Club, REI,Seattle.
    • 8 February, 4 PM: Talk and signing at Village Books, Bellingham
    • 25 February, 7 PM. Lecture and book signing. Town Hall, Seattle
    • 6-7 March, Northwest Weather Workshop. NOAA, Seattle (details later)"

    Notice that the U Bookstore event description doesn’t announce any “Lecture” or “Talk” as all others but the NOAA one do, and I now can’t recall any “auditorium” in the present U District UBS building where that kind of presentation could fit, so we may only have the “book signing,” with a chance for a brief individual chat with Cliff as he signs our copy, plus a chance to meet and become acquainted with each other after he signs ours.

    Also, notice that the NOAA one says “(details later)” so a talk/lecture is likely, and when I surfed to the NOAA site http://www.wrclib.noaa.gov/ I found “Find books and reports in library catalogs & publication sites including NOAA Seattle Libraries, UW, WorldCat” and “Bldg.3, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA, 98115-6349 / seattle.library@noaa.gov / 206.526.6241.”

    This confirms my impression that this event is probably at the NOAA site just north of Sand Point Magnuson Park and south of Matthews Beach, where we enter by turning east off of Sand Point Way onto NE NOAA Drive about a block north of NE 77th and Sand Point Way, so the Bldg.3, 7600 Sand Point Way NE address suggests that the “Seattle Library at NOAA” is in Building 3 near the south edge of the NOAA site at the Magnuson Park border, which is between NE 74th and NE 75th. The DEX Yellow Pages entry for NOAA seems to indicate that all NOAA facilities are at this site, but doesn’t list the library or supply the 206.526.6241 phone number, although most numbers there are 206.526.62**, and the national NOAA Library page at http://www.lib.noaa.gov/ lists only this location on the West Coast, so this is probably where the event will happen.

  3. So, Cliff....when will we be getting back to normal around here? And are there any good storms looming in the extended forcasts?

  4. Update on Cliff's U Bookstore signing Saturday Jan 17 at 1:00:

    I haven't been able to reach Cliff by phone yet, but U Bookstore tells me that he will be doing a "reading/lecture" in addition to just signing, so I hope that he'll cover the "Northwest Snowstorms" base for us, and that he or I can share handout copies the amusing "Mayor Salt Nick" poem that both Jeff on Jan 13 and "Anonymous" today posted on this blog.

    UBS also confirms that they still have unreserved copies of his book in stock, but I reserved one and I urge others to do so if you really want one in time for Cliff to sign it!

  5. what sort of weather changes do you forsee in the up coming weeks? Jeff Renner was hinting at something, but was teasing the fish in allof us with the lure of mystery.
    Great photo from Tiger Mountain.


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