December 09, 2009


A lot of you are wondering about snow. I have been wondering too. The problem is that the models are not consistent for this weekend and early next week. This morning our local model forced by the GFS..the NWS's best large scale forecast model, indicated a major snowstorm late Monday. But I don't trust any of it at this point and you shouldn't either. Thursday and Friday until dinnertime looks dry for western Washington...and cold. You can bank on that.

Will look at the new runs tonight and make a stab at a forecast. In any case, when you have the cold in place, things happen.


  1. Yes, cold. I take the hummingbird feeder in after dark. Won't be a block for them at dawn.

  2. is it possible that we could see some very strong stampede gap winds regardless of snow?

  3. Hoping for snow. Really don't want rain or - worse - hail. Snow is good :)

  4. If its this cold we might as well get snow.

  5. 3 years ago, my mother arrived from the UK for a Christmas visit 3 days before the huge windstorm that knocked out power for days. Her next visit started 1 day before the big snows last Christmas.

    She flies in again next Monday evening. So, with a heavy sigh, I'm going with the "major snow on Monday evening" theory.

  6. Just give me enough warning to put the snow tires on the car before the snow hits. I could drive up Dravus St with them on.

  7. I'm up for snow. You only get to ski from your house in Seattle/Tacoma once every couple/three years.

  8. Doesn't anyone remember the "fun" we had with weeks of snow last year?!
    Forget it, I don't want any snow. If I want to see it, I'll go up to the mountains!

  9. Joe, just because El Nino is in the offing does not mean that we don't get snow. I remember some El Nino years where we got plenty of snow and other neutral years where we got zip.

    Sounds like the models are all over the place right now (KOMO 4's forecast has been changing almost hourly).

    Tom, understand you don't want weeks of snow, but odds are that the next snow event won't last anywhere near as long as last winter's, that was the longest snow I'd seen here in 12 years. :)

    stay warm!

  10. I can handle a couple of days of the white stuff, shut down some of the streets for sledding, get your hot cocoa/cider thermos action and all that. Sounds like we won't have a redux of last year, and that's all I need to know. (Except where to buy a sled before everyone beats me to it. But then, there are garbage can lids....)

  11. Well if we are going to have snow, I hope it starts Sunday night..its always a hard call for a snow day if it starts early in the morning after some kids have left for school.

  12. i just want snow. Then maybe i will have hot water upstairs.

  13. Liz! You tell your mum to ... keep her weather to herself!

    Annie tries to bring sunshine with her from Norwich but it doesn't always happen.

    Thanks for the warning, anyway. ;-)

  14. I want some snow too, it's winter and cold. I want just one snow day then it can warm back up!

  15. I presume the people who all "want" snow must conveniently work from home. For those of us who must "get" to work, snow in the forecast does not bring such great tidings aka winter 2008 and waiting an hour for a bus too full to take any more passengers.


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