June 11, 2021

A Wet Period Ahead As Tropical Moisture Streams Northward. My Podcast Has the Details.

My new podcast is now online.

You will learn about two major wet periods ahead, Sunday and Tuesday, with the potential for thunderstorms on the latter.   Before it is over, much of western Washington could receive 1-2 inches of rain, which is a lot for June.

And in the podcast, I explain the cause of Sunday's wet weather:   a potent atmospheric river extending northeastward out of the tropics.   Also of interest, we might break some dew point records on Sunday, resulting in a relatively  "sticky" experience west of the Cascade crest.

You can listen to my podcast below or use your favorite streaming service.

Just to get you "prepared" for the wet, here is the latest forecast total through 5 PM Monday.  The reddish/orange colors are more than 2 inches!   The coast will be very wet, as will be the Willamette Valley.   Even the east-side gets a piece of it.

And more on Tuesday (see below), particularly over Washington State. And if this is right, the rain will be a great help east of the Cascade crest.

My previous blog on the wildfire outlook for this summer is found here.

Here is my podcast:

Click the play button to listen or use your favorite streaming service (see below)


  1. I took a look at the drought monitor map for the state and noticed that the band of rainfall stretching across SE Washington overlays fairly nicely with the areas currently identified as driest.

  2. Hi Cliff, I'm still hoping for some analysis of data due to the 2020 shutdown and CO2. Seems like we should now see a pattern relating to the global energy budget: Emissions vs Atmospheric. Here's the analysis I've run: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/d7z3hkf5lh. -.09 correlation between the yearly moving average of CO2 emissions and Atmospheric CO2. Compiled data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HepMCqKGy7LEwpEJZRqlMhp3esU6GjE0qHhGfFXHhm0/edit?usp=sharing

    1. Wow, someone ginned up a table and a scattergram!

  3. Summer rain in the Columbia basin is useless. It does nothing but moisten the top inch of the dirt for an hour before it evaporates.

    1. Right, and of course it has no impact on moisture in the grasslands. LOL

    2. Always remember - no matter how much precipitation falls at anytime of the year or how much the snowpack is at any given moment, it's always doom for humanity.

    3. Too hot? Global warming.

      Too cold? Global warming.

      Just right? Global warming.

      Too wet? Global warming.

      Too dry? Global warming.

      Normal year? Global warming.

      It's a crisis alright, but not the one they think it is.

  4. Shelf Cloud (?) over Port Madison and Bainbridge Is this morning, looking south towards Rainier (not shown)


  5. It's not even raining in Seattle today!

  6. Muggy, but slightly too cool for air conditioning. Definitely dehumidifier weather.

    1. Hardly dehumidifier weather for an East Coaster. In fact it was just humid enough so I could sail my boat in shorts this weekend without freezing to death, despite the rain, and sleep under only one blanket.


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