March 03, 2020

Northwest Weather Workshop, May 1-2: The Main Session will be on Agricultural Meteorology

If you are a local weather enthusiast or a weather professional, the big local meeting of the year is the Northwest Weather Workshop, held in Seattle at the NOAA Sand Point Facility near Magnusson Park.

At this meeting, the major weather events of the year are reviewed, the latest in local weather technology is discussed, and there is always a major session on an interesting topic.

This year that session will be on the intersection of weather and agriculture.

The meeting will start on noon, Friday, May 1 and last until about 3 PM on Saturday, May 2nd.
On Friday night, we will have the meeting banquet at Ivar's Salmon House and the speaker will be Dr. David Brown, the leader of the Washington State University AgWeatherNet.

If you would like more information or to register, please go to:

If you are interested in speaking at the title, please submit a title by April 1.

Generally, about 80% of the talks are quite accessible to interested laypersons.  The final agenda should be available on April 15.  If you want to see a sample agenda from 2018, check this.


  1. The workshop sounds intersecting and I hope people will gain knowledge and understanding of the weather and the latest technology. I trust the workshop will add more information to the people from the agricultural sector and they will utilize the workshop wisely. I have passed on the information about the workshop to my few friends.


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