January 29, 2025

Freezing Fog this Morning

 Just a quick note that there is substantial danger of icy roads and sidewalks this morning, not only from frost, but freezing fog.   Some of the fog is freezing on contact with the cold surface, leading to substantial deposition of ice.

 The surface air temperatures, taken at around 6 ft above the surface, at 7 AM we nearly all below freezing.   Except for higher hills above the inversion.

The cold has been conducted into the earth, with the soil temperatures 2 inches down way below freezing in eastern Washington.  Temperatures are just above freezing at that depth in Washington State.

Finally, the latest visible satellite image shows the low clouds/fog over the Puget Sound basin and NW Washington.  Not much in eastern WA and over higher terrain.

Be careful out there is morning.   And the cold ground will have major implications for what could happen this weekend....more on this later.


  1. Where can I find the soil temperature map?

  2. My soil temperature sensors (~4-6” below ground surface) in Bellingham appear to be accurate as the average temperature reported by the four of them was 34.95F this morning.

  3. would love your thoughts on local variation in the freezing fog. Was the fog localized to areas around the water (Lake Washington and Puget Sound)? There was tons of frost on the ground where I live (Houghton neighborhood of Kirkland) but I was surprised driving North on 405 to work nothing (neither frost nor fog) in Totem Lake or Bothell/Woodinville.


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