October 30, 2020

New Podcast: The Election Week Forecast and Why Hurricanes Avoid the Northwest

My new podcast is out:  The Election Week Forecast and Why Hurricanes Avoid the Northwest?

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Episode Description

In this episode,  I give the important election week weather forecast--and I am not going to speculate on which party it will favor!   This week, Hurricane Zeta hit the Gulf Coast.  Why doesn't the West Coast get hurricanes?    You will will learn the cold truth on this podcast.

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  1. Professor Wolf Reid, UBC, has extensive analysis of many MId-lattitude storms that have been particularly strong, hitting the PNW over the last 100 years...in the case of the Columbus Day storm event, he implies that the remains of a Tropical storm, Typhoon Freda, did not break up entirely...that ball of energy drifted into our area you described, where the Mid-lattitude storms generally form...Prof Reid calls the 12 Oct 62 storm "an outlier", unique in its formation and power...I can vouch for that!..I was 15 years old, trying to deliver newspapers, when an ominous cloud advanced from the Southerly direction, and buffeted me and Seattle with winds between 50 to 80+mph...a steady wind at 50mph was augmented with extreme gusts, even topping 100mph in the Renton area...and this event lasted a good 4 hours!...Reid feels that the NW might get hit with such a powerful storm (as you said, an equivalent Cat 3 when making landfall in N. california, racing up the coast, slowly winding down to a Cat 2, and then Cat 1, by the time it hit Canada) about once every 200 years. There was something different about that terrific storm--it really was an "outlier", with many factors showing it to be unique in nature...If it was simply a humongous Mid-lattitude event, it seemingly was "turbocharged", by the remnants of Typhoon Freda....I will never forget that day!

  2. I would think coriolis effects would have a significant impact on at least the frequency of these big storms as well, driving hurricanes into the eastern side of the continent, and moving them away on our side. Is that incorrect?


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