March 04, 2022

Where Can You Secure the Most Skillful Weather Forecast? And a Sunny, Dry Weekend Ahead.

 My new podcast is out (see below) and it includes two compelling topics.  

In one segment,  I tell you where you can find the most skillful weather forecast. You have a lot of choices, from hundreds of smartphone weather apps, the forecasts built into your phone, and a large number of websites, newspapers, radio, and TV.

A website is dedicated to answering this question,, and I show you some of the results (see below for a sample).  I also explain some of the big technological shifts that have made better weather forecasting possible.

Forecast Accuracy for Seattle

I  also discuss the weekend forecast.  The big eastern Pacific ridge of high pressure is back (see below) the entire region will enjoy sunny skies, no precipitation and seasonal temperatures.  Perfect conditions for outdoor activities, bolstered by a rapidly lengthening day and a perceptibly stronger sun.

A big, upper-level (500 hPa, 18,000 ft) ridge off the West Coast on Sunday morning

To listen to my podcast,  use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

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  1. I have a subscription to Meteoblue for one very specific reason: they offer an astronomy seeing forecast. While mostly useless for actual astronomy purposes in our neck of the woods, it does have hour by hour forecasts of cloud cover in great detail that I use for planning photoshoots. I've learned in the last 8 months that their cloud forecasts have a tendency to be on the conservative side. is also helpful in the same way.

  2. The weather is miraculous. Planted garlic cloves about 8-inches deep on Christmas eve--day before it snowed. Now many shoots are 2-4 inches high. Looks like a good growing season ahead in the Skagit Valley.

  3. Hi Cliff, I wondered if you could explain what happened to the forecast this weekend? All models appeared to be going for the ridge with clear skies/sun.

    It started going wrong on Friday afternoon in N. Bend when instead of "partly cloudy" it was fully occluded and then rain starting around 5.30pm and continuing for a few hours with snow above 4k. Then on Saturday it was cloudy all day with clearing beginning just before sunset. Today Sunday there was sun but clouds returned in the afternoon and around the cascade crest clouds remained over the highest peaks. Ive noticed that forecasts have been quite inaccurate recently especially in the foothills so I am interested to learn what is causing this. Thank you!

  4. Why isn't the NBM on the list of comparisons?


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