May 27, 2022

A Complex Memorial Day Weekend Forecast. Are These Weekends Getting Better or Worse?

 My podcast today (see below to access it), will describe the active and varied weather that will strike the region this weekend.   But there is more:  I will talk about the history of Memorial Day Weekend weather and how it represents a transition time into June Gloom.

A major feature this weekend is an unusually strong low-pressure center that will make landfall on the Oregon coast on Saturday afternoon (see below), with moderate rain extending over Oregon and powerful winds along the coast.   If you are vacationing in Oregon this weekend... sorry.

Surface weather map at 11 AM Saturday.

Precipitation will be bountiful over Oregon, as illustrated by the 48-h totals ending 5 AM Monday.  Oregon and northern Californa needs the moisture.

Monday will be much better.

My podcast also talks about the trends in Memorial Day Weekend weather.  Consider the precipitation at SeaTac Airport for the May 25-30th totals over the past 70 years. Not much of a trend, but it is clear that many such weekends are wet (and only about 10% dry).

Temperature?   Below are the maximum temperatures for Memorial Day Weekend in Seattle.  A lot of variability, but the trend is slightly DOWN.  Not much global warming signal so far.

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  1. Anyone who lives in the PNW and vacations on Memorial Day holiday will go home wet and cold according to historical weather records.

  2. I've always thought Memorial Day weekends are wet. Oddly, many years ago I attended a camping even on Vancouver Island on their May 'long weekend', which is one week before our holiday. I remarked that we would likely get wet and was told no, their long weekend is usually dry! odd that.


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