May 06, 2022

Triple Dip La Nina and A Wet Week Ahead: All in My New Podcast

La Nina's generally occur one at a time.  

Occasionally, like this year, two occur in a row.

But it looks quite possible that we make experience an unusual triple-dip La Nina, with the cold water phenomenon occurring three times in a row.

Right now the Climate Prediction Center is going for a greater than 50% chance of a triple-dip  (see below) and some of the latest model runs are agreeing.

In my podcast (see information on listening below), I will discuss the situation and the implications of another La Nina year for the Northwest and California. 

But there is more.  

A very wet period is ahead of western Oregon, with the rest of the region getting a piece of the soggy action.  The forecast of accumulated precipitation for the region over the next week is startling, with 3 inches or more in the mountains (see below). 

This is A LOT for May.  And the wheat farmers of southeast Washington will get even more welcome precipitation.

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  1. Just remember that although there could be an above normal mountain snowpack in the 2022-23 winter,above normal lowland snowfall is quite uncertain. The triple La Nina of 1999-2001 was a bust for lowland snow,and the previous one in the mid 70s was equally dismal for the Puget Sound lowlands.

    1. That's true, 1999-2001 were a bust for lowland snow. However, the last couple of winters have brought more snow, so there seems to be more reason for optimism where lowland snow is concerned. Time will tell the tale.

  2. This is just crazy. 46 degrees all day (Mill Creek). That's typical of a January high for the day. What happened to Spring?!?


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