July 01, 2022

A Wet July 3 and the Secret Sauce of Northwest Thunderstorms

 My podcast is out and I talk about some wet weather coming in over the weekend, including thunderstorms.    And I tell you why thunderstorms are so rare in our area and the "secret sauce" of getting boomers.

The latest European Center forecast is for extraordinary amounts of rain over the next ten days across southern BC and northeast Washington (see below).  Just where we needed it to reduce the local wildfire/smoke threat.

The latest super-high resolution forecasts suggest some very strong, extensive thunderstorm activity on Saturday night.  Check out the forecast of the simulated radar image at 9 PM Saturday.   Wow.

July 4th, although cool, looks relatively benign.

My podcast also talks about thunderstorms and convection--and why we get so few.  The big enemy of local thunderboomers is the cool waters of the Pacific---but there are other problems as well.

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  1. This is the one aspect of PNW that makes me so depressed. No thunderstorms. Statically speaking we have the least amount of lightning strikes than anywhere in the country.

    1. But it's an absolute blessing given the amount of forested area we have ready to burn given the slightest ignition source.

  2. Thanks for the lesson on thunderstorm, I do follow your blog everyday. I took ATMS 101 at UW in the summer of 1990, professor Dean Hegg class, and I also learn a lot then, but I always like weather, always like to learn new stuff. I live in Vancouver now and here is the latest forecast. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/news/article/british-columbia-may-endure-a-months-worth-of-rain-by-early-next-week

  3. Cliff, any thoughts on n SCOTUS gutting the planet and allowing the oil corporation ok ns free rein to use the atmosphere as an open sewer?

  4. Here's hoping the drizzle holds down the fireworks particulate levels (and maybe diminishes the motivation to explode unto 2am) All hail the drizzle!


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