October 23, 2008

Latest Weather Analysis

Our temperatures have returned to normal after a period in which we were consistently below normal. Take a look at the plot of the temperatures at Sea Tac airport for the last 4 weeks...the light red line shows the average maximum and the blue line the average minimum. The dark line is the actual temps. We had a few week cool stretch mid month. Yesterday the airport got to 63..well above the normal 57. The end of this month should be better than normal. A week front moved past early this morning and today show be partly cloudy with temps near 60. Friday should be dry with highs again near 60--but with increasing clouds as another weak front approaches. That front will move through early Saturday morning, leaving party cloud skies and highs again near 60F. Then high pressure really moves in and we develop offshore flow...the result...Sunday will be spectacular..highs at least 65 and sun. And the Monday and Tuesday look good too.

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