November 04, 2008

Election Day Weather

It is raining quite hard over Puget Sound right now, but starting to dry out over the coast (see radar--green is moderate rain-- and satellite picture). The area of rain is associated with a weather trough of low pressure that will move through this by 9-10 am things should really dry out. As you see from the satellite picture there are some showers over the Pacific (speckled white stuff) and this will be moving in. However, the winds will switch to the NW on the coast after the system moves through, so Puget Sound will experience considerable rain shadowing off the Olympics. So today will not be bad after the rain ends, generally dry with a few isolated showers. The only real rain might be in a Puget Sound convergence zone that could form later in the afternoon north of Seattle.
The air mass is cooling down and the freezing level is dropping,,,the result will be increasing snow in the mts at pass level and above....this is already happening at Stevens pass (see photo). There could be as much as a half foot in the higher passes; NW flow is favorable for snow showers could extend throughout the day up there.
Tomorrow looks dry..until a warm front comes in during the rake those leafs then!
Today is the election of course...and one race I am following is for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The group I am a member of is supporting Randy Dorn, who we think will have a major positive influence on the serious math education problem we have in this state. We have had unending problems with the current leadership--Terry Bergeson.

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