October 31, 2012

Notable Precipitation Totals

Some impressive rain totals the past 24 hours, with nearly five inches along the SE side of the Olympics and 3+ along the Olympic windward slopes and the western side of the north Cascades.  At the same time Port Townsend received 0.06 and Ellensburg .02.   Enough to make you a believer in the profound rain shadows we have around here.

As shown by this table from the National Weather Service, some locations on the windward side of the Olympics got 7.5-9 inches during the past 72 hr.   Wet season has begun.

 The precipitation totals for Seattle Rainwatch indicates large contrasts over Puget Sound country during the last 48 hr, with the Kitsap getting hammered with 3-4 inches, and heavy rain extending northeast to north Seattle. The radar blockage by the Olympics is profound, with other blockage over the north Cascades.

After a few more days of rain it looks like we are heading into a relatively dry spell:  here is the latest 8-10 day forecast from the Climate Prediction Center.

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