April 15, 2019

The Northwest Weather Workshop on May 3-4

There is one local gathering each year in which regional meteorologists and interested layman get together to talk about our weather and its impacts:  the Northwest Weather Workshop.  This meeting is open to everyone.

The workshop this year will be on May 3-4 at the NOAA/NWS Sand Point facility in north Seattle.

The first day will include a session on Northwest wildfires--their prediction, the smoke, the associated meteorology and more.    That evening there will be banquet and a special speaker from Washington Department of Transportation, talking about dealing with the cold and snow in February.  Saturday will have sessions on OLYMPEX (a weather field experiment in the Olympics),  advancing weather modeling, the cold/snow of February, and much more.  Lunch Saturday is included in the modest registration fee.  There are special rates for students.

Typically, about 120-150 folks attend the meeting, which is held in Bldg. 9 of the NOAA Sand Point facility just north of Magnusson Park.  Folks often want to know where you have to be a meteorologist to come.   My answer is that 70-80% of the talks should be perfectly accessible to lay people.

You can view the detailed agenda here.  If you want to go to the meeting you must register in advance.  To register or learn more about the workshop, please go to this website: https://atmos.washington.edu/pnww/

NOAA Sand Point Facility


  1. Here's a newly posted geeky threat to Weather forecasting that might be worth a column, or indeed a talk at "The Northwest Weather Workshop": How 5G is Likely to Put Weather Forecasting at Risk. If "5G" isn't familiar in our world of excessive abbreviations, it's the proposed "fifth generation" of wireless/cell broadcast protocols - and its higher frequency could upset collection of weather data.

  2. Hi Cliff, I expect to see you there!

  3. Cliff,

    I always enjoy attending the workshop! It's interesting to tour NOAAA's building and where the people making forecasts are working. Lunch is good. The people attending are interesting.

    Looking forward to it.

  4. Just Above NOAA,

    Right on! So many people are too addicted to those (I dare not say) cellphones anyway! Anything that tamps down the cellphone industry is just fine with me! Why do they need a new frequency anyway? Let the FCC say NO!

  5. Cliff, I wish you'd consider doing one of these in eastern Washington. I'd love to attend, but it's a 500-mile roundtrip to Seattle.


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