December 18, 2020

New Podcast: The Holiday Week Weather Forecast and the Inside Story on the Northeast Snowstorms

My new podcast is out and I provide a detailed forecast for this weekend and next week, including Christmas Day.  And then I turn to the great Northeast snowstorm of yesterday, telling you about the amazing totals and the nature of the Nor'Easter s cyclones that produce heavy snow over the region.

Here is my podcast:
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Support the podcast on Patreon and get exclusive content., including my online event tomorrow morning at 10 AM.



  1. Speaking of snowstorms,exactly 30 years ago today in 1990,a major snowstorm and and strong arctic air outbreak began in the Puget Sound area.

  2. It would be nice if this had a video component, with the camera pointed at a synoptic map, with Cliff annotating.

  3. Thought this article about Sofar and their ocean going sensors might interest you:

  4. Looks like marginal conditions for a bit of pre-Christmas lowland snow tomorrow afternoon and evening. Hope so!


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