October 23, 2020

New Podcast: Cold, Wind, and Snow this Weekend, Plus the Secret of Western Washington Snow Events

Cold, Wind, and Snow this Weekend, Plus the Secret of Western Washington Snow Events

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Episode Description

In this episode, I talk about the active weather that we will experience this weekend, including strong winds, mountain and eastern Washington snow, as well as cold temperatures.  The weather will be surprising  to many.  And in the second segment, I will tell you why it is so hard to get snow in western Washington and will reveal the rare weather situation that allows snow to reach sea level west of the Cascade crest.   All Seattle mayors should listen to this podcast!

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My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found hereAn important story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found here.


  1. Thanks for the forecast and I recall your earlier predictions that ended up needing to be modified. Still in all, I'm prepared as I got out there about an hour ago in parka in the rain to go ahead and disconnect my hoses from the ONE spigot I have that's in the backyard (I live in an very old house) so frost can come and I'll be OK.

    I recall the big snow of 2008 where Greg Nichols decided not to plow the streets because he "didn't want to damage the streets" so over half of Metro's fleet got stuck.

    I recall the arctic blast of 1990 when we had that Pineapple Express storm that Nov that flooded Fir Island and caused havoc up in Skagit and Snohomish northward to the Canadian border and then almost a month later, the arctic blast that froze all that flood water up north and the poor farmers lost lots of their cows etc due to be frozen in place.

    Recall 1985, the wintry snow that fell before Christmas and dumped around a foot of snow just in Tacoma, more other places like Olympia and if I recall, a warm front brought the moisture and the cold Frazer Valley winds collided and then stuck around for a while. I recall that one well as one, we had 2 performers from Up With People stay with us, and the morning the snows began here in town, I was driving out to what was then still Ft Stellicom CC (now Pierce College) when it began as I has an 8AM class and when I left there at something like 11am or so, it had been snowing heavily for at least a couple of hours when I headed home and there was I think several inches on the ground, streets absolutely covered in the white stuff and recall barely seeing the traffic lights through the heavily falling snow but had NO issues getting home in Tacoma's NorthWest End (Narrows Drive area) and the subsequent cold air that dropped behind the snow.

    The big memory of 2008 were the two tour busses that went down Thomas St and one of them almost went over onto I-5 way down below, but instead, nearly have of it was hanging in midair above the freeway. I lived on Thomas and Melrose, and it was literally out in front of my building. Took a while to get home, needless to say.

  2. Is the low presure situation you talk about in your extra segment, the cause of all of the great snowfalls of the last century?

  3. As I said in my last comment, I grew up on South-Central Vancouver Island. Sometimes, on the east side of the Island, we would get heavy localized snowfalls when the arctic air from the BC Interior crossed the Strait of Georgia (Salish sea). This is very similar to the lake-effect snow which occurs in the lee of the Great lakes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the town of Sequim experience something similar on rare occasions?

  4. Because most of our weather comes off the relatively warm Pacific. An exception are those lows that pass to our South and we get wrap around moisture with a cold North wind via the Fraiser gap. Snore...

  5. This storm track today ended up being exceptionally favorable for heavy snow in NE Washington.Spokane just broke their October daily--and monthly-- snowfall record.At least 6+ inches,and still snowing.

  6. Is there a way that this podcast can be streamed from an Android TV?



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