February 11, 2022

The New All-Time Maximum Temperature Record for Washington State. And the Latest Forecast

This week, an experienced group of meteorologists released their report on the June 2021 heatwave and declared that Washington State has a new all-time temperature record of 120F, observed in the Hanford Reach of eastern Washington (see an image of the observing site below).

The Hanford 100F site.  The record holder for Washington State

This broke the previous record of 118F.   My podcast (which you can access below or through your favorite podcast service) describes the process of confirming this extreme temperature and tells you why the Hanford region is particularly favored for summer extreme heat.

And then there is the weather forecast.   My podcast reviews the wonderful weekend ahead, with full sun and temperatures in the mid-50s on Saturday.   Some high clouds on Sunday, and rain Monday morning.   I also look ahead for the remainder of February.

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  1. I believe that many temperature records were also set here in the Wiliamette Valley, we reached over 110 degrees over a multi - day period, and a few days were almost 120 degrees, if memory serves.

  2. So, Cliff -- is there a new record max for Western Washington?

    It appears that only six states have exceeded 120, officially, according to accuracy project. org. (Though three or four more appear to have tied that record.)

    My car thermometer read 110 in Snoqualmie, and it seems pretty close usually, but we were in the river during some of the hottest hours.

  3. Ellensburg {KELN} only got to 114. I'm close but 500 feet higher.
    KELN's elevation is 1,740; Hanford is more than 1,000 feet lower.


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